

New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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i was wonderin wether a red-tailed shark would go with other fish like large tetras (not neons) or barbs and siamise fighter and angel fish and a cat fish
aren't forums meant for taking and giving advice?
if we all tried google, forums would be outta buisness.

i dont see why a rtbs wouldn't be okay with the fish except the siamese fighter.
this fish wobbles when it swims which would attract the sharks attention and the shark, in time, would end up killing the fighter.

it should get along with the angels, barbs and large tetras. i say "should" because all sharks have their own personality and the stuff you read is mostly the "average" fish. if that makes sense?

also, to keep the shark's temperment under wraps, it'll need something like a cave to call its own. :good:
Only ever put 1 RTBS in unless you have quite a long tank. I've had my RTBS in a community with all livebearers, tetras, long finned fish, betta, loaches, other species of sharks and pleco's. These are all in a 60G. No problems. Its been this way for about 8 months.
You must have been lucky.
Mine is evil and has a go at everything in the tank.
make sure you give it a cave to call home.
i was wonderin wether a red-tailed shark would go with other fish like large tetras (not neons) or barbs and siamise fighter and angel fish and a cat fish

The RTS won't go with the betta/siamese fighter (not sure about the angel fish though, although probably not), you will have to be more specific about the other fish though as there are hundreds of types of barbs and catfish.
My RTBS gets on ok with catfish and tetras we've had and most barbs... however there was a few days when it picked on one of our Algae Eaters after they were trying to take over 'his' patch, but once the pecking order was established so to speak there were no problems with any fish in our tank. :good:
If you have any black fish, then dont put an RTBS in. I thought that i could hav one so i got 1, but after i read they go after any fish that resembles them and i had black mollies... He murdered them in 1 night- he was taken out after 16 hours in my aquarium.

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