wow, relax. first of all, im not buying a shark now, im looking into the cost of building a 20 000 gallon shark tank, which would, surprise, surprise, include the cost of the shark. I know i can buy a black tipped reef for $3000 + $500 shipping, a great hammerhead for $8000 + $1000 shipping + the cost of renting a truck to pick it up, or a port jackson for $250, but i forgot the link of the website of the company in california which sells them and i was wondering if anyone knew it offhand. Yes, i realize that i would need a massive skimmer, structural concrete reinforcement, an established (15 years) foundation to ensure that it is settled and stable. I also realize that i would need a massive wet/dry sump, UV sterilizers, fluidized beds and 10 000 gallon/hour pumps, as well as 3600 lbs of sand ok? I know what i amm doing/getting into ok? all you had to say was that you didnt know the link, not tell me that i havent done my research.