Sharks tooth clam

Lucky Cheater

New Member
Aug 25, 2005
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Rochester, NY
I bought a sharks tooth clam. If you've never seen one, well, it lives up to its name. It looks like one of those big prehistoric megaladon teeth. I got it mainly as a living decoration. It was cool but died in 4 days.

I figured it was because my water was too can filter feeder live in clean water? right.

well I really liked the way it looked in my tank..and believe it or not people really liked didnt do anything, but it was unique. The petstore in my home town sells them all the time. I was wonder if anyone had had any luck keeping a clam alive?

when i was young and didn't know better. I had a goldfish in a 1gallon tank. And one day at the river i found a little clam. It lived in that tank for abot 6 months. And then i found its shell open and nothing in it. I think it only lived off the fishes waste cause the tank had no filtration.
Thanks for the replies. I think I've heard something about calcium content too..I'll have to research it.

Yea, im sure in an unfiltered tank a clam would be I posted somewhere else I am planning on doing a benthotic tank with all bottom feeders, mainly invertebrates..I could let that tank dirty up a little with no added harm to the animals.

Thats the plan

thanks again.


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