Shark Fish


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hi All,

Just added 2 shark fish to my tank and they have eaten all the snails, which is great. I didn't know they would do this ! am I feeding them enough? or is this normal.

Andy :rolleyes:
What does this "shark fish" look like? Black with a red caudal fin (tail)?
thanks for the tip, may look into these when my tank has cycled :good:

do they need to be kept in a shoal?
ur defo need to rehome the bala the tank is way 2 small, every1 will say the same fella. and say tht wi no offence
Yep your tank is too small for bala sharks, they can grow up to 16" (40cm) so need at least a 60 gallon if not more for some adults.
Many thanks for your advice guy's.

I'm going to give one of the fish to a friend at work.

How long can I keep the fish in a plastic bag? I'm going to take it to work for my collegue however it won't get put in his tank until 6pm .

Yep your tank is too small for bala sharks, they can grow up to 16" (40cm) so need at least a 60 gallon if not more for some adults.

gonna need more than 60 gallons, 200 gallons is a good start to take care of balas since they are schooling fish, and tehy are very active.

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