Sharing For The Heck Of It


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
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since school is out ive been spending alot lot of time sitting and thinking infront of my tank and have started to pick up on some personallities. for one, my silver dollars and neon blue dwarf gourami like to play this game. the smaller of the two SD's will sneak up behind the gourami, not inclining to bite, but just sneak up, then the gourami will sense it and turn around, the the SD will freeze and then dart away, the smaller of the two SD's seems to have alot of personality. Then, my Red tailed blaack shark will chase around my lemon tetras every now in then. the funny thing is he will only chase the lemon tetras, i still dont know why but he will just chase one at a time and spin around and dart back in forth, but not bite him, when he gets close enough to bite he backs away and swims along visiting each nook and cranny of every single decoration. Now that i think about when i feed my fish the RTBS will go to sleep in his favorite crevace and wait till all the other fish are done eating and then go on clean up crew, with the loaches who have of-corse have already eaten most of the food.
well just sharen. will try to take a vid of the SD gourami game, its fun to watch.
i love my RTBS named Paul

He schools with my odessas when they arn't hiding or eating
sometimes he comes and mouths on the side of the aquarium when i come up to it

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