

New Member
Jan 14, 2005
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i have 10 ghost shrimp in a 10 gallon tank with my guppies
and i won't to breed them but i don't know how to sex them if someone has a pic
of a male and female
it would be greatly helplf :dunno:
I have ghost shrimp to tell a female from a male take them out on their own and look with a mag glass at their base of tail. move down towards the belly and if male thier is a grey flap of skin this is the willy if not female :*) :alien: :thumbs:
The female carrying eggs in my tank is a bit bigger than the males, too.

I'm having a decent run of good fortune w/ my second attempt at raising a recent spawn of Ghosties.

Shrimp Tale

I've stumbled into a way of feeding the juvenile ghost shrimp. Should work for any shrimp that skips the larval stage.

v/r, N-A

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