

Fish Crazy
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
East Sussex, UK
How do i sex my yellow labs...
Some have very dominant black markings, other some but not as much......

No eggspots as such


Also, one of my yellow labs has a definate 'waddle' (time to spot those Alli McBeal fans!!). You know - between the jawline and the neck - instead of being tight and rounded (on the fish!) its sorta saggy and pointed.

Is this good, bad (definately ugly) or just a 'characteristic' ! (Its' not really saggy - just enough so you'd notice it)
Males tend to have dark black bottom fins and females lighter, but this is not a sure fire way to sex them, I've had females with dark black fins. Males tend to grow larger and faster then females as well. Otherwise the only way to tell is by watching their behavior, males are more aggressive and territorial. Females are the ones who end up holding too. If you have juveniles then forget it, you will need to let them grow up before you can tell the difference.

About the Jaw, it doesn't look like her mouth is full of chewing gum, does it?
Cichlid Addict - yup, he/she does look as though he/she is chewing gum. There are also dark lines running from front to back along her chin/waddle bit!

It sounds to me like she's holding. She probably isn't eating either, and won't for the entire holding term, which is about 28 days or so.
Sounds about right - she is usually hiding in the rock work and rarely ventures out.

:D :D :D :D (Proud dad grinning!)

How old/young do they have to be to start breeding? They are all roughly the same size, so it could be usefull in guaging their age.

Thanks for the (possibly) good news

:D :D :D :D :D (still grinning!)


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