Fish Crazy
How do i sex my yellow labs...
Some have very dominant black markings, other some but not as much......
No eggspots as such
Also, one of my yellow labs has a definate 'waddle' (time to spot those Alli McBeal fans!!). You know - between the jawline and the neck - instead of being tight and rounded (on the fish!) its sorta saggy and pointed.
Is this good, bad (definately ugly) or just a 'characteristic' ! (Its' not really saggy - just enough so you'd notice it)
Some have very dominant black markings, other some but not as much......
No eggspots as such
Also, one of my yellow labs has a definate 'waddle' (time to spot those Alli McBeal fans!!). You know - between the jawline and the neck - instead of being tight and rounded (on the fish!) its sorta saggy and pointed.
Is this good, bad (definately ugly) or just a 'characteristic' ! (Its' not really saggy - just enough so you'd notice it)