
I'm not a pro at this but every male I've seen has nice sexy pretty fins and tails.. whatever they're called

Females on the other hand are a lot smaller and very short plain boring looking fins.
A long-finned fish is almost definitely going to be male, but short fins doesn't always mean female. The best way is to check under the hood. If it has an ovipositor (white dot) right behind the ventrals on the tummy, it's female. Body shape is a hint as well, as the females are usually "fuller" in the front if they are carrying eggs.

See the ovipositor on these ladies?

It's actually pretty easy to see once you've seen it in person and know what to look for... that's the most reliable way to sex them, anyhow :nod:
It's actually pretty easy to see once you've seen it in person and know what to look for... that's the most reliable way to sex them, anyhow :nod:

oo i just saw the little white dot on the underside of my female. its so tiny yet simple to see once you know to look for it. thanks =)

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