sexing yoyos - anyone??


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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we have 2 yoyos & im curious to know what sex they are, the only info i can get is that mature males have a reddish tinge to their whiskers. is there anything else i can look for to try & work out the sex of our 2. one is probably 2 & 1/2yrs & the other about 6 months younger & to me they both seem to have reddish whiskers but one ( the younger of the 2 is much bigger than the other - much broader- by about half an inch & about an inch longer than the older loach)
Im not sure, but i know Loaches are generally hard to sex, especially Clown Loaches, as these are very similar, im wondering if they are as difficult to sex? :/

I love yoyo's btw, and am planning on getting some for my new tank, what do you think, 3 or 4 ?

C x
Female: Body and head in the adult with a number of irregular brown cross bands generally three Y-shaped bands, the first in front of dorsal, second below dorsal, third behind, bands becoming confluent enclosing variously shaped yellow spots with age; all the fins with more or less regular cross bands, generally dorsal, anal and pectoral with three, ventral with two and caudal with four or five.

Male: Body and head of adult reticulated with gray on a yellow background; all fins with more or less regular cross bands, generally dorsal with three, ventral with two or three, pectoral and caudal with three to five.

taken from
Clairel said:
Im not sure, but i know Loaches are generally hard to sex, especially Clown Loaches, as these are very similar, im wondering if they are as difficult to sex?  :/

I love yoyo's btw, and am planning on getting some for my new tank, what do you think, 3 or 4 ?

C x
Claire just be careful that you're not already planning to overstock your new tank in advance. Yo-Yo's as said to attain 8" and as you probably know, clown loaches 12 " - and your new tank is 48 US gallons.
You might want to think about some Angelicus Loaches (Botia Kubotai) instead :dunno: :)

But sorry millym - unfortunately I don't know either how to sex Yo-Yo's :no:

Edit: Ahh seems The-Wolf does :)

Edit again: Claire, you might find this recent topic by The-Wolf interesting and might alter what I said about Yo-Yo.

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