Sexing These Plecs


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Buffalo, NY
I'm probably going to get a leopard frog next week. They are nearly $40 at my lfs, but they have really nice fish. I'm very excited. I was wondering how to sex them? I think I'd like a male.

I'm pretty sure that my albino bristlenose (in a different tank) is a female. He/She is only about 2 inches long so far and is a lovely pale apricot color. It seems like the only bn you see in pics are fabulous bristley males. Most of the tiny bristles on mine are along the side of the mouth.

Does anyone have picks of female bn and male L134? Could anyone give me advice on picking out a male L134? I figured a female would be rounder, but wasn't sure about anything else. Thanks for your help.
Thanks so much for your help, especially the link. I get a bit overwhelmed on planet catfish because there is so much info. I probably should have looked there first :blush: Anyway, I've got my new guy. It dos look like he's starting to get hairy, so I'm pretty sure he's a he. He was also quite a bit more yellowy than the others in the tank. The albino is still an enigma. I'll just wait and see. Thanks again.

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