Sexing Red Eye Puffers and some Q's


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer

Which one is the male, and which one is the female?

Could I put some Red Eye Puffers in with other fish of a simular size?

What do they like to eat?

What are there water conditions?

Any special needs?

I would love to put some in my 30 gallon. :D
Most of your q's were answered in the other post.

I don't think you can sex them.

I think the puffer on the bottom is a Crested Puffer. :unsure:

Those are both tetradon lorteti the crested puffer. They are the only freshwater puffer that is easily sexable - the top image is a female and the bottom a male.

They grow to approx 5cm. They are voracious fin-nippers and not considered suitable for a community tank. They like dense planting and bogwood to hide in.

In terms of feeding, they should take the same as most other puffers - live foods, snails etc. Water conditions are also as for other puffers.

Recommended tank size is approx 80 litres minimum. At 30 US gallons I would say you have around 136 litres which should be enough for a pair. Be careful though, as aggression is reported amongst these fish especially when mating.
As LadyMinion said, that picture shows Lorteti puffers, not redeyes. However, the redeye fuffers are closely related but are slightly smaller, have a brigh red caudal fin and less prominant markings.

As they are closely related to the lortei, they can be sexed in the same way.

Littlepuff is right, another common name for the lorteti puffer is the crested puffer.

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