Sexing Parrots


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
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how do you sex parrot's does ne 1 know or have pics of the diffrences between them thanks
how do you sex parrot's does ne 1 know or have pics of the diffrences between them thanks

Whether it's exactly true or not I don't know but I was told you can tell by the shape and length of the dorsal fin - if it extends past the tail and is pointy then it tends to be male and it's shorter and more rounded on the female. Someone will need to verify this but that's how I was told to sex mine!
Male and female parrot cichlids look exactly the same... no physical differences to distinguish male from female.. most people will wait until they see theirs lay eggs.. then they know they've got a female.
It doesnt matter anyway... The eggs are sterile. They are a cross breed, and while it is possible that t hey could lay eggs which are active, it would be extremely rare. Mine have laid eggs several times, and all eggs have been slugs (duds)
There are subtle differances in the finage of male and female parrot cichlids, but this is not always accurate, typically the discovery of eggs establish thats its a female, and thogh most (MALE) parrots are sterile, there have been very rare instances where fertile males have been found.
Actually, their eggs are very steril. It's just that they don't get fertelized. Female Blood Parrots have been known to have fry with other new world cichlids.

Oh, and just wanted ask something. I have two parrots and neither of them have layed eggs (not that i know of any way). They are a year old now so i'm pretty sure they are sexually mature right? so if they haven't layed eggs by now does that mean they must be males?

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