sexing my cherry barbs-pls help!


Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
sf bay area
can anyone help me sex my 3 cherry barbs?



The first picture looks to be a male because of the red fins and tail, the other two look to be female for the exact opposite reason.( lack of red on tail and fins).
I would tend to agree with webcat5. The top fish looks to me like a possible male. Trouble is with such a horrible substrate (white) the fish will not show their true colour and just looked washed out.
I would not tend to try and breed these as the top and bottom fish apear to have fin deformaties too.
fishman 1 said:
I would tend to agree with webcat5. The top fish looks to me like a possible male. Trouble is with such a horrible substrate (white) the fish will not show their true colour and just looked washed out.
I would not tend to try and breed these as the top and bottom fish apear to have fin deformaties too.
oh i would never breed my fish -- no room to keep the babies lol. no, i was just curious as to what kinds i had. and i know 2 are deformed, that's why i got them. they were the last in the tank & i felt sorry for them :p and i figured no one else would want them! so i had to bring them home. i guess i always root for the underdogs, er . . . underfish :D

the substrate is all i had at the time and it is better than the other colored stuff the lfs had in stock. i could change it but then i'd have to start all over and that would be a pain.
You do not have to change the substate, you can add to it. I had light colored substrate and I purchased some black subtrate and mixed them together with my gravel cleaner and now my fishes color really pops.
Just to let you know that i was not having a go over the colour of your substrate. I am personally not a fan of white substrate. White is just bad for showing off the colour of your fish. And can stress out some fish.

If you are happy with the white then keep it. ;)
fishman 1 said:
Just to let you know that i was not having a go over the colour of your substrate. I am personally not a fan of white substrate. White is just bad for showing off the colour of your fish. And can stress out some fish.

If you are happy with the white then keep it. ;)
hm, i have some leftover black gravel, but not much, from one of my betta tanks. i could add it in. i guess it would help bring out their color a little. thanks for the suggestion.

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