Sexing kenyi?


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
Just wandering how to sex my kenyi it's a bout 2.5 inches now and will be moving to a larger tank where i plan to by some more and thought i should stock my next tank so i could breed if i wanted to later.

I don't think you can but if you know how to sex even smaller kenyis that would also be helpfull

um... males turn orange, while females stay blue.

you should probably do some research on them - they are extremely aggressive and done wrong the results with them can be disastrous.
For starters, the real name is Maylandia Lombardoi. They need large tanks of at least 50 gallons unless you are keeping just one. They must be kept with other aggressive mbuna that can handle their aggression. They should be fed a diet consisting mostly of both cichlid pellets/flakes and spirulina flakes. The should not be fed any kinds of worms. The tank should be abundant with hiding spots.
uh... mines pink, but a little blueish around the tail fin and side fins

oh well guess i'll look into this more

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