Sexing Harlequin Rasbora


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2008
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I've just got some Harlequin Rasbora and I'm really happy with them, they seem to have settled in well.
However I cannot find a good guide to sexing them.

"These fish have a black triangle-shaped patch starting near the dorsal fin. The male's patch is slightly rounded at the bottom with an extended tip while the female's is straight. Females are larger than the males."

Mine all look the same (I'll double check), perhaps they are young and the sex will become more obvious over time?
I was hoping someone might be able to post pictures of male vs female.

I can't they all look the same to me lol.
I can't they all look the same to me lol.
i think i thought the males had the straight edge, so i was sexing wrong way round before....I'll have to have a look later and see what I've got between my current and new harleys
I only have four harleys at the moment, hate buying new ones as they tend to be jumpy for a while.
They make me nervous when doing a water change.
I only have four harleys at the moment, hate buying new ones as they tend to be jumpy for a while.
They make me nervous when doing a water change.
yeah my first 5 were insanely nervous, wouldn't even eat they were so about 3 days, then they only ate in very jerky pot shots at're much better now.
Those new 3 are already coloured up, I'm very impressed, much less stressed than the first ones!
From looking at mine, I believe I have only 1 female and 5 males. I don't have any aggression issues though :)

My female is bigger than the others, rounder bodied, specifically her "chest" area is a bit more pronounced making her rounder. Also, her anal/rear fin is more clear and has a thin black line on it, whereas for the males the anal fin is more red.

Also, my males display at each other, sizing each other up by flaring their fins and making themselves look as big as possible :)

Actually, now I look at them, the males tale fins seem to be longer too.
Thanks for the replies. So i'm looking for the right hand edge of the black part in those pics? (The vertical part?) It seems they are hard to breed anyway!
I'll post if I reckon I can distinguish,
I have 4 harlequins and never knew what sex they are :p I'll have to check tomorrow when I wake up heh. They all look the same to me, but then again I didn't know about the marking being slightly different.

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