Sexing Goldfish?


Basically males develop white spots know as tubercles on the gill covers and the pectoral fins. Also females will also be plumper as eggs begin to develop and they also have a slightly out-turned (convex) vent.
Besides what Pleccy said, the males only develop the white breeding dots/ bumps when they are in breeding condition. Outside the breeding season they don't show the bumps. They come into breeding condition when the water warms up after a period of cool. Basically in spring after winter.
what about if i have a tank with them in it in my house does it matter what time of the year it is then?
Photoperiod has no triggers.

Change of temp from low to high for 2weeks is the main trigger for spawning.

start at 12c then raise the temp to 20-25c over 5 days. This induces the females to ripen then eggs ready for spawning.

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