Hi Knuc dog
Females are usually bigger than males, both longer and more husky. Males tend to be slender, while females tend to have fuller bodies. Females also have larger and rounder ventral fins than males, whose ventrals are a bit pointy in comparison.
Some kinds of corys show a lot of difference in size, but others are harder to tell apart. Bronze and albino C. aeneus, and pandas, are easy to tell apart, but I find that my C. sterbai are much closer to each other in size. I like to look at them from the top because it's easier to get a good idea of their overall shape that way, but it doesn't really matter how you look at them.
When I buy a group of young corys, and think about possibly breeding them in the future, I usually buy the 3 biggest ones in the dealer's tank, since they will probably be females. Then I buy 3 of the smaller ones since there is a good chance they might be males.
I usually have both genders present when they mature, but you should be aware that some fish will naturally grow faster than others, so this method is not guaranteed to work.