Doing first planted tank :)
By any chance are these male and female?
Okay Thanks here comes the questions
1. Is it nessacary to keep them in a species tank as I don't have enough money for another tank no mine have bred in a planted tank with 3 different species of fish (peppered cories, neon tetras and GB rams)
2. I might concentrate on breeding one of the types and get 4 more of their species to make it a group of 6. Whats better or easier to breed - peppered, bronze or albino. id say theyre all about the same
3. Again what could I do for a fry tank?? a 18*10*10 clearseal will do nicely with a bare bottom
4. I'm okay with cold water changes, but I cannot seem to make live food, is this neccasary?. bbs is helpful when feeding fry and isnt hard to get a culture going)
5. If I leave them in the tank would a couple per batch survive? If so this would be what I would like to do. if you add a ton of java moss or riccia then yes maybe
Lucy Thanks for all the help