Sexing Cories


Doing first planted tank :)
Aug 31, 2008
Reaction score
Eastbourne, East-sussex, UK

By any chance are these male and female?

Thanks :good:
Hi puppyjess123 :)

This is what a pair of mature bronze C. aeneus look like from the top.


The male is the slender one on the left. Can you see how the female on the bottom is wider?

BTW, I'll be moving your thread over to the Corydoras section. :D
Hi puppyjess123,

Are these pictures each of a different fish?

If so:

female (maybe not)

I'm not positive about some of them. It could just be the angle of the photo. The second and seventh ones are definately female, so use them to compare to the others. :D
Okay Thanks here comes the questions

1. Is it nessacary to keep them in a species tank as I don't have enough money for another tank :(
2. I might concentrate on breeding one of the types and get 4 more of their species to make it a group of 6. Whats better or easier to breed - peppered, bronze or albino.
3. Again what could I do for a fry tank??
4. I'm okay with cold water changes, but I cannot seem to make live food, is this neccasary?.
5. If I leave them in the tank would a couple per batch survive? If so this would be what I would like to do.

Lucy :) Thanks for all the help
Okay Thanks here comes the questions

1. Is it nessacary to keep them in a species tank as I don't have enough money for another tank :( no mine have bred in a planted tank with 3 different species of fish (peppered cories, neon tetras and GB rams)
2. I might concentrate on breeding one of the types and get 4 more of their species to make it a group of 6. Whats better or easier to breed - peppered, bronze or albino. id say theyre all about the same
3. Again what could I do for a fry tank?? a 18*10*10 clearseal will do nicely with a bare bottom
4. I'm okay with cold water changes, but I cannot seem to make live food, is this neccasary?. bbs is helpful when feeding fry and isnt hard to get a culture going)
5. If I leave them in the tank would a couple per batch survive? If so this would be what I would like to do. if you add a ton of java moss or riccia then yes maybe

Lucy :) Thanks for all the help
Hi puppyjess123 :)

I agree with what truck said, but let me add some more to it.

Your albinos and bronze corys are just different colors of the same species, C aeneus. They will breed together and all will be good. Some of the resulting fry will probably be one color, some the other. While any cory might eat the eggs, the C. aeneus are less likely to do it than the C. paleatus (peppered corys.)

If they spawn in a community tank, the other fish are likely to eat them too, but if any hatch, they might survive at the bottom if there are plenty of places to hide. They will find microscopic organisms to eat until they are big enough to eat regular food. It's not the best way to raise corys, but sometimes a few make it.

Either species will spawn when they are ready, with or without adding cold water, so don't do this if you are worried about chilling the other fish in the tank. Just keep watch on the glass and plants to see eggs when they do spawn.
I just remembered! I have a spare 10 gallon tank which I could put the eggs into to! (Do you just pick them out with your fingers?)Should I also put the cories into this tank until they spawn and then put them back into the community tank?

I'll get two more bronze and two more albinos then :)

And if I have this seperate tank it means I could put it to the right temperature and do the cold water changes. Can I feed them catfish pellets, algae wafers, frozen bloodworm and frozen brineshrimp to condition them?

This tank has sand on the bottom is this okay? And I have a small filter and heater for it with no decor.

p.s I have to wait a while to get the tank up as my room is being decorated (pink, pink, pink!)

Thanks :D

Edit: Just fed frozen brineshrimp, put on bubble blowers and done a cool 20% water change. The albino male is following the albino female around but thats it.

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