Sexing clown loaches


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
Hey guys here's something for you all to wonder about.

Can Clown Loaches Be Sexed?

Now why i ask is because my bf had a customer in work wanting 3 clown loaches, at about 4inches long... Now i dont know if there is an external way to tell but this customer was really trying to be clever over ricki because rick didnt know how to sex clown loaches, even if there is a way... And this guy was saying he could.
So Id really loveto know if it is externally possible to sex these loaches.

So far ive read on the net you cant but i just wanna be sure

I've never heard of a way. I know they dose them with hormones to get them to breed in the farms but I've never heard of them identifying a way to sex them.
I once read about the dorsal fin being more pointed on males but i have looked at loads since and they all look the same. Clowns won't breed until they are around 11" long by then the females may look wider than the males but then in some species the males are bigger so who knows. Take a look at this article i can't remember if it was here that mentioned it.

I've heard of a couple ways, but they usually don't hold true

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