Sexing Bronze Corys


Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Dereham, Norfolk, England
I just got my 1st ever cories. I had to go for the cheaper bronze ones, all the extravagant cories were between £5-£10 ea!!! And as a schoolboy i didnt have the money to buy pandas :angry:

Well with the 4 that i have, how is best to find out what gender they are? And one of the corys seems to have separated itself from the group, 3 hang around together yet the other cory just does what he wants???
In 1 month when i add some more fish, ill hopefully get 2 more to get a shoal of 6 so no worrries guys!


Good news, fishkeeperpro!

Bronze will be pretty easy to sex. The female will get much bigger than the males. She will roll on her belly and flirt with you! LOL Before she gets that big, she will be noticably broader in the belly and deeper between the dorsal and pectoral fins than the male. He will be slimmer in the tail/belly section.

In time he will be able to bend and swim like a fish, she will not be able to see her toes! LOL
when mature the females are fatter and slightly bigger than the males. It is easiest to tell when looking down on them in a container. The females will be noticably wider across the back between the pectoral fins. The males will be slender.
If the difference is not yet noticable they may not be old engough to produce viable eggs. Keeping the male away is not a spawning tigger I have heard of with regular Corys.

Bronze when old enough and mildy happy and safe will spawn with no to very little encouragement.

The primary spawn trigger for Corys after safety, good food, and water quality is a cool water change
the most common spawning trigger we use down here is to do a massive water change. We make up the water the day beofre and then drain out 80% of the tank water before refilling it with the clean water. Within a couple of days the tanks are usually covered in eggs.
The other thing that can trigger it is to turn the heater off for a day then turn it back on.
80% water changes are not usually necesary to get C. aeneus to spawn. Water changes that large can cause some problems. In many areas, I am told, it is also necessary to use a good water conditioner whether water is left out 24 hrs to denature or not, because of other water contaminants that do not denature, such as cloramine.

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