Sexing Bristlenoses


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2005
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Middlesbrough- Uk

I have two bristlenoses in my community tank, one is larger than the other. I bought them when they were little wigglers, I should really measure them, to see what size they are. Anyway my question is how do I sex them without going off their bristles.

The reason I ask is, in my spawn tank Im suppose to have a bristlenose breeding pair and they look very simular I cannot see any difference in the ammount of bristles or size, although I need to wait until they both are sucking the glass where I can compare them.

One of my bristlenoses in my community tank I have had for severel months, and just was watching it tonight to see that it hasnt got very many bristles and they are not very big, I read somewhere that you can see a phappilion?? if its a female?

I think I could see a papillion but not a 100% if this is true.

Anyone got any info on this?


Ps! am I right in thinking that once a bristlenose has sexually developed ie male or female, they are then old enough to breed?

mells said:
although I need to wait until they both are sucking the glass where I can compare them.
It's hardly likely they will ever do this. I have yet to see any of my plecs do that (unless within the fist few hours of being put into a new tank).

If you really want them sexed, you can try to catch them and put them in a clear glass dish (with tank water) and take some dorsal and ventral view pics. Post them here and we will see what we can do to help sex them :)
"Females are smaller and less robust than males. Males generally have larger bristles on their noses, while those of females are either smaller and sparser or not present at all. Bristles generally start to appear when the fish is around 1.5 inches in length."

You could put some cucumber so that both of them eat it


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