Sexing 3 dainos


Mostly New Member
Jun 12, 2015
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I've had them for over a year already anf I've noticed the yellow one and the pink one chase eachother around quite often. The pink one plumper than the yellow one. I've added multiple pictures if that is any help.


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idk. But they sure are pretty. are these GloFish? I have many GloFish tetras and 2 Glo Rainbow Sharks. One shark is very aggressive and is isolated in its own tank.
Yeah they're the glofish dainos, they used to be even more vibrant ☺️
I wonder if that chasing can be courtship behavior. if I see signs of mating with a pair of my tetras, I’m going to put them in a separate 10 G and hope they breed.

I haven’t noticed color changes in mine. Did you change the lighting by any chance? Maybe you could try a Facebook GloFish group. I’m in one,but spend very little time there lately.
The pink one could be female, the slim yellow one is male, the other yellow one is deformed. Female danios are fatter than males.

Danios need to be kept in groups of 10 or more and if you only have 3, they could do with a few friends.

Danios should be kept in cool water (16-22C). If they are kept in warm water all year round, the females regularly become egg bound and can't release any eggs. If you want to breed danios, keep them cool for a few months and then warm the water up over a couple of weeks. Feed them 3-5 times a day. After a couple of weeks in warm water with lots of food, separate males and females for 5 days then put 1pr in a tank with lots of plants. Leave them together for a day or until the female is slim, then remove the adults and grow the babies up in the tank.

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