Sex My Ram Please ?


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Sorry for the blurry pictures........



When I got this one I only bought one because they all looked the same to me :blink:

If I do add another and they turn out to be the same sex.....will that mean disaster ? Thanks
It is too hard to see from the pics, sorry.

It really depends on the size of your tank. They will be more aggressive in a bigger tank.
Thank you. I researched more and it said the first rays of the dorsal fin is longer which is the case with this one so I think it is male. Could I put a female blue ram with him or should I stay with the gold ? Tank is 29 gallons.
Thank you. I researched more and it said the first rays of the dorsal fin is longer which is the case with this one so I think it is male. Could I put a female blue ram with him or should I stay with the gold ? Tank is 29 gallons.

I am pretty sure both are ramirezi, so it should be okay to add the regular color variety.
I am going to vote male on this one. Although the picture is blurry I do not see any sign of a pink belly. I also think that the anal fin looks pointed and looks a little extended. Any other guesses?
I am actually going to disagree and say Female.
A sure sign when sexing rams is to look at the abdomen under the midlateral Black spot which they posess.
Females posess a pink stomach, males do not.
Also, if you look at the black midlateral spot, a female's may contain irridecent scales. But the former may prove a more reliable method.
if you can get us a clearer pic, i could give you a deffinate sexing.
Dan :good:
okay, went to LFS today and they have a tankfull of more Gold Rams. I really want a mate for mine. I thought mine is male, but after looking at them , now I'm not too sure. It appeared that some of them had longer/pointier fins than mine, even though mine are long and pointy :blink: There was little difference between them. Maybe you can help me confirm with this video:

Thanks for any help. This is driving me crazy !

**ugghh...quality went down after upload**

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