sex change?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2003
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Devon, UK
I have been keeping fish now for years, I have only one tank and therefore know the small range of fish I have very well

My favourite is the black phantom tetra, I know this fish!!
and therefore asking this question is fairly embarassing but....

I have a schoal of 7 black phantoms, I have had them about a year give or take a death being replaced the most recent cant have been in there less than 5-6 months, for those that dont know the species they are easy to sex, the males are silver and black with a scithe shape dorsal fin, the females have a rounder fin, a redish coloring, and red pelvic fins, they are very distinctive sex wise there are 2 males and 5 females...........or rather there WERE 2 males and 5 females

I can Identify my original males (I know my fish and my tank well) but there is a third, or close to a third, one of my females is changing!!!! Infact rather rapidly

I dont expect anyone to believe this, but I know it to be true, his/her dorsal is now much more male shaped, she is almost male in form and her fins are a very dark colour but the red at the tips still marking her as the changing female, her size is similar to the males and to be honest soon I dont think that she will retain any of these female markings. I have added nothing to the tank other than food and clean water, no chemicals treatments etc

Trust me, I picked these fish I know them and I chose them as clearly male or female, this is a new change there was no way she/he was anything other than a clearly female fish when she entered the tank!!!

Please if anyone can shed light on this, or has any comment please answer
Several species of fish can change sex, usually only when there is a lack of the opposite sex but I've never heard of tetras doing it or in that kind of situation. Still, doesn't really surprise me to hear it's happening. :)
I have had mentioned to me that some chilids have been know to change sex if there is a lack of male (or turn female if there is a lack of those)

I have heard of some marine reef fish that can

But a tetra in a situation of 5 to 2, that has to be a one off!!!
I don't think tetras can change sex. It may be a slow-maturing male. Swordtails can change sex though the results have never yet been proven fertile... I've heard of other fish changing as well but in all the black phantom tetras I have kept, I have never seen this (I love black phantoms BTW - my favourite tetra!). :D
An immature male would not have started with the red female colouring though :(
If it was an immature female I could understand it not having developed the red finnage when young, but female to male this theory would not work IMO
I think Sylvia is onto the right track about slowly developing. Remember, the colorations and indicators are only species averages, we don't think much about a more-brightly-than-usual colored fish, but a duller than usual fish can present a mystery. Ultimately, they are all individuals, and each develops and shows uniquely. Besides, we all remember the "Pat" character from Saturday Night Live, right?

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