Severum Tankmate ?


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
North Dakota (where's that?)
Hey everyone,

I recently got a 55g to move my severum into. i was wondering if I could maybe squeeze a juvie blood parrot into this tank at the same time I move my sev. I haven't bought the parrot yet - the one lfs I go to with the best selection is still limited with options - they do have some convicts, sevs, blood parrots, mixed african cichlids - but that's about it. nothing else to choose from - other various types of gouramis, sharks, & tiger barbs. Is that a possibility for the blood parrot or not?

If not, I was thinking of upping my shoal of tiger barbs from eight to 12-15 and adding them into there.

I also have a male three spot gourami that I was thinking about adding to the 55g if the tiger barbs were a no.

What do you all think?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the 55g is going to be a permanent setup ONCE it's setup. I just got it two days ago and haven't set it up yet. I think I've read that severum article about five or six times by now for reference.

I realize that a 55g may not be big enough in the long run, but this is my eighth tank - and I don't have room for anything larger than a 55g. I had to damn near beg to get this tank - gf thinks a I'm going mental.

I should rephrase the question - if the tank were large enough, 100-150g, is a blood parrot compatible w/ a sev? I understand without knowing much about parrots, that they must need a lot of space as well considering their size. The reason I asked the compatibility question is b/c the gf saw the parrot and fell and love with it.

Out of all the fish listed on that reference link - I'm not too excited about tetras or danios as tankmates. Nothing wrong with them - I would prefer something else.

The pet stores we go to are about an 1.5 hours away- and that's the closest. The next two closest towns with pet stores are either three hours or four hours away. So, the city I drive to has four pet places - including wal-mart. Only one specializes in fish and reptiles. Out of there selection of cichlids, they have sevs, blood parrots, earth eaters, HUGE oscars, and a 'mixed' african tank. The have some cichlids there that are gray with black stripes running vertically - I'm not sure what they are. Sorry, about the rant, trying to give you an idea of what I have to select from.

1) So, basically, ONE severum is the Only fish I can have in this tank? Even if this tank is overfiltered? I have two marineland h.o.t. w/ bio-wheels & spray bars - each rated for 270g/hour. I thought with the extra filtration, it could handle the bio load.

2) I thought that maybe the the tiger barbs would be suitable since they are all around an inch right now - the sev is two inches currently - I know they grow fast, but some of the barbs that I was referred to are slower moving than tiger barbs.

Also, the three spot is sort of aggressive and he's at four inches right now.

I was just throwing ideas out since that's some of the fish I have...

3) Why does the severum require such a large tank if it's only gonna grow 8-10 inches? Surely, 55g is big enough for a sev even you go by 2 inches per gallon.

Again, this probably a bunch of rambling from the top of my head - but I still have about a month before I move the sev into the 55g. I just want to ask as many q's as possible to get some user feedback vs. referring to ONE link on severums( I found the link very useful, well wrote, and easy to follow - the hunger for more info makes me want to ask more q's than what's listed on it.)

Thanks for reading through all of this,

The sev in a 55g will be ok for a reasonable time, but eventually will fill it. They not only can get to near 12", but get really thick as well. It's rare, however, that you really get to see one full-grown (at least around here). I've had good luck with tiger barbs and cichlids as long as the barbs are in reasonably large groups - your group fits the bill. So, can you do the sev and parrot? It'll work for a couple years if they're small to start out, and my tanks are changing all the time, so my opinion is suit yourself, just don't get married to a specific setup.
I wouldent bother with a blood parrot, there are chances of having to deal with a problem later. I would look for a cichlid from South America that is preaceful and will go with the severum better than a blood parrot. The tiger barbs will be fine, and I would increase the shoal to about a dozen. A couple of Megalechis thoracata and a plec will make the tank floor more interesting.
Thanks for the replies so far. I should of, again, rephrased what I typed about the setup. The location where the tank is going in my house is permanent, the stocking however, probably won't be. IMO, just housing a sev in a 55g is fine with me. I was asking about compatibility and stocking options out of curiousity - and again, since the gf thought the parrot was so cute. :blush: I think they are kind of hideous looking myself. Who knows, a lot can change in a couple of years. I'll cross that bridge once I get there :)

1) Hypathetically, say I did get a blood parrot, should I add him at the same time that I put the sev into the tank? Should the lights be off? I've read in several places that when you're dealing with fish that establish territories - it's better to add (in my situation) both of the fish at once. That way it's a new environment for both of them at the same time. Also, it's an equal playing field that way since niether fish has had a chance to establish territory. Any truth in this?

2)Does anyone have any info on setting up a tank for a sev? I've read they like dim lights, slower currents, and they can destroy live plants. My goal for this tank is for it to be setup for the sev mainly, but to also suit the blood parrot if I get it.

3)One last question for right now. I'm going to be setting up this tank on my kitchen counter. The counter divides my living room and my kitchen.(I live in a trailer, if that helps) Well, due to the location of the tank, I'd be able to see the tank from all sides. - hence, no backround. Is that going to be a problem with the shy severum? If it is, how do I set up this tank to compensate for it?

Again, thank you so much for reading through all this, whether replied or not.

Now, I'm gonna go sleep of the rest of my hangover( :sick: )

Everyone have a nice day :good:

1) Hypathetically, say I did get a blood parrot, should I add him at the same time that I put the sev into the tank? Should the lights be off? I've read in several places that when you're dealing with fish that establish territories - it's better to add (in my situation) both of the fish at once. That way it's a new environment for both of them at the same time. Also, it's an equal playing field that way since niether fish has had a chance to establish territory. Any truth in this?

2)Does anyone have any info on setting up a tank for a sev? I've read they like dim lights, slower currents, and they can destroy live plants. My goal for this tank is for it to be setup for the sev mainly, but to also suit the blood parrot if I get it.

3)One last question for right now. I'm going to be setting up this tank on my kitchen counter. The counter divides my living room and my kitchen.(I live in a trailer, if that helps) Well, due to the location of the tank, I'd be able to see the tank from all sides. - hence, no backround. Is that going to be a problem with the shy severum? If it is, how do I set up this tank to compensate for it?

Now, I'm gonna go sleep of the rest of my hangover( :sick: )

Lol dont blame you!

Yep, I would add them both together if possible, they will establish seperate teratories then.

Best set up for severums have large swimming spaces, lots of soft leaved plants, slow current, tanin stained water, pH 6.5, gh 10, bogwood and rocks for cover, sand substrate and you wont go far wrong. (You may not want torn up plant leaves everywhere, so I woudent add them, only as a treat).

Adding a clay pipe for the severum will get around the final problem, you should start with one 10cm in diameter, then when he grows out of it, get a 20cm diameter one. Also add larger shoaling fish like Congo tetras or Aurils or Red line barbs to make the sev come out more.
Adding a clay pipe for the severum will get around the final problem, you should start with one 10cm in diameter, then when he grows out of it, get a 20cm diameter one. Also add larger shoaling fish like Congo tetras or Aurils or Red line barbs to make the sev come out more.

Man, feeling a little dense here...what's the final problem? :blink: Are you referring to the fact I'm not gonna have a backround on this tank? A tunnel for the sev to run to when there's quick movement near by? Assuming that's what you mean, that makes sense. I've noticed that if I move quickly across the room or approach the tank to quickly, he runs and hides - yet, if I slowly walk to the tank, he'll see me and approach the front of the glass :hyper: So, for times when needs a place to hide, how about some rock caves? I wanted to add a couple of them 'built in' to rock formations on the sides of tank.

Now, another dilemma in my head. Plants. I've yet to have real plants in any of my tanks. Lack of knowledge, the wrong substrate, not wanting to deal with CO2, fert doses, lights, um...the thought of plants potentially dying shortly after buying them. All the thoughts of failing with them is actually another reason why I've never tried them.

Well, in that case, here's an idea. I have about 50 lbs of the smallest gravel I could find.(about 1/4 inch in diameter. like I said, my selections are limited around here.) I was planning on adding some sort of sand into the gravel mix. If I'm going to go planted with this tank(real ones, that is) can someone help with some More questions?

What type of plants can I have that don't require CO2? (I don't have the room for a co2 setup. at all. seriously. ) I need something that's gonna work with cover for the sev - but will also grow easily as well. Basically, is there such a thing as an idiot friendly plant? I'm in the US, so, does anyone know any good online sites to purchase plants? Also, I don't want to drop $#!t tons of money on plants - so cost is an issue,too.

Alright folks, I'm gonna go read up some more. good luck reading the rambling :blush:


P.S. The amount of time I've spent on this website in the past few months makes me think it's laced with something...
The pipe will be for the sev whenever he feels stressed or scared;he can just hide in that.

As for plants, I woudent do it with sevs. Im not sure if there are any plants that are sev proof (probably are), but unless you want to trial and error with different sp. this isent that best option. Have a look on the planted tank forum for better info.
The pipe will be for the sev whenever he feels stressed or scared;he can just hide in that.

As for plants, I woudent do it with sevs. Im not sure if there are any plants that are sev proof (probably are), but unless you want to trial and error with different sp. this isent that best option. Have a look on the planted tank forum for better info.


sorry for the delay in responding lately. I've been kind of busy and haven't gotten around to replying(been reading more than replying).


I had three caves made from some rocks I found at the lake. I have a crayfish in this tank that is constantly digging around - I've had to re-do one cave three times now! I've also added two clay pots that about five inches in diameter for the sev to hid in.

I was looking at LFS and found blood parrots, but the $35 price tag deterred the gf and I from getting one. I ended up getting a JB parrot(he/she is bright yellow - like a tang) and after some research, found this fish could be dyed? A real bummer when I read that. The sev picks on him occasionally (even though I added them at the same time) . About a week later, I added my eight tiger barbs and have done a couple of 10g water changes. Readings are all normal, at zero. PH is the normal 7.6-7.8.

This parrot is absolutely odd - I was really nervous the first few days I had it until I've read similiar posts stating wierd behavior from this fish - hopefully it's normal. Does anyone know any info on this fish' behavior or any links to them? After some conflicting info and a bunch of discussions on hybrids breeding & dyed fish debates - I just want to find some normal info on this fish that isn't flaming.

The barbs have been in the tank about three days and I've noticed that altough they tend to shoal. There's been one male that seems to try pairing off with a few of my females. The color that's developed on the barbs is amazing!! They all look so happy in the 55g!!

My question is - how many barbs could I add to this? I was thinking upping the number from eight to 12-16. Would that be too many?

Instead of adding another fish that gets big, I was assuming that a shoal of little fish would be safer, for the bioload, that is.

Having the barbs added definitely brings out the sev - He's generally patrolling the tank unless a stranger or cat approach the tank to quick. Then he goes to one of his rock caves and chills. He's definitely recognizing me when I approach - he'll even follow my finger when it's at the glass.

What does everyone thinK?

Thanks for the replies so far,


P.S. I would post some pics off my phone, but they don't do any justice to how the tank really looks.
I think that sounds great! Your concern at this point is not bioload nearly as much as it is territory space/size. The problem with blood parrots (yes, yours probably is dyed) is that they vary widely in their temperament. Sometimes they are nearly as docile as the severum in them, sometimes they can be much closer to the Midas/Red Devil (whatever the other parent is, up for debate) in them. I had a sev for a while and really wanted a parrot to go with it, but just never did it. So, keep an eye on the BP as it gets bigger. The tiger barbs sound awesome and when they get fat and happy, they are a ton of fun to watch.
About the parrot, they are odd at first. THey will hide most of the time, give him a few days/weeks to get over this. It's very common parrot behavior to go through this breaking in phase. The reason they seem odd may be their higher intelligence, these fish can learn shapes, colors, very smart, they are just weirded out with the new surroundings. It sounds weird...but they like you to show them things. Show them different objects with different colors once in a while, they seem like they need a bit of attention to be happy. They did a study about fish intelligence, they chose to use a parrot hybrid...

They are very hardy fish, they are known to get blackspot though. One of mine had a small patch and it went away within days untreated, as long as they have good water conditions you should never have any problems with diseases. Their swim bladders are slightly deformed sometimes so it can give them a weird swim pattern. They will sometimes sleep sideways, do "flips" in the bubbler etc. THey are just odd like that, nothing to worry about. You might want to have your temp set to at least 80, anything less and they will lose alot of their color.

I would really hope your fish isn't traumatized from being dyed, mine will go nuts and spin in circles like an excited puppy when I go in the same room as him, hopefully yours doesn't have a fear of humans :(. Good luck though, hopefully he doesn't die from the dye.
Wow, thanks for the info HornyFlower!!

I'll check that topic out here in a minute --

---another thing I'd noticed in the first couple of days, the sev would occasionally lock lips with the parrot - it would almost seem as though they were in a pushing match!! YOu could literally watch the sev's colors change from a light greenish brown to a dark blue/green and his face was like a neon blue color. It was pretty crazy to see first hand since it was a new sight.

The parrot seems to be getting a little more friendly to its surroundings - he/she's been in several of the rock caves reorganizing all of the gravel in them - almost like it's building a wall around the front of the caves. At night, it totally sleeps on it's side - then returns to swimming normally once awake...

THanks again for all the replies so far :good:

I was having a hard time finding consistent info on either of these fish throughout the net before starting this thread,


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