Severum, Jack Dempsey, Firemouths


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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I have a 55 gal im moving into my new place. There is a about 4inch severum in there along with some cories and a few giant danios.

i have a 75gal with a 7 inch jack dempsey and four 3 inch firemouths. This tank i do not plan to take. I will be giving the fish to the LFS, unless i am able to put the any of the fish into the 55 gal.

Would the firemouths get along with the sev? or would the JD?

a few years down the road the sev will also be relocated to a bigger tank when hes bigger. ill probably set up the 75 again.


PS< im breaking down the tanks right now! info asap would be great!
Well if i was you, I would keep the 75G (as it takes up barely anymore room than the 55G... sticks out a few more inches, and gives you twenty more gallons of space) and put the sev, cories, danios and maybe 2 or 3 of the fm's. The dempsey would fight with the sev prob and putting all of them in there would vreat quite a "packed" tank IMO when all are more grown. And honestly, I would rather keep the dempset as I am biast and love the species, but prob the sev is the better choice as it gives you more growing room for the other fish. btw... how big are the danios right now? and how many of them?
Well ive moved my 55gal.

It has the one about 4 inch severum.

Three 2-3inch giant danios.

5 albino cories.

1 3 inch female bristlenose plec.

My firemouths still at my dads house in the 75 with the JD are close to three inches. Id like to have them in the 55 gal where im at now. Ya think thats possible?

Never had a firemouth but I do have a full grown dempsey and green severum, and they get along fine.
hmm... my firemouths dont touch the JD, and the JD dont touch the firemouths. I think im gonna try my luck with putting the fire mouths in with the sev.. unless anyone else can convince me otherwise...
hmm... my firemouths dont touch the JD, and the JD dont touch the firemouths. I think im gonna try my luck with putting the fire mouths in with the sev.. unless anyone else can convince me otherwise...

I also have a full grown red devil and he never bothers the severum.
And you also dont have a clue.

well someone had to say it.

having 2 x atleast 8" fish, and 3 x 6" fish is pushing it for a 55g and thats not including most of the current stocking.

specially as there cichlids so they will want there own space.

keep the 75g instead and it should work.

Thank you sam.

You should keep the 75G wolfdog. Like I said, doesnt take up much more room and gives you twenty more gallons of swimming room. I could see the sev with 2 or 3 of the fms with what you have at most. No more...
It's going to be too cramped with all those fish in there..

You could get away with the severum and jd, or maybe the severum and firemouths, but I don't think adding all them together is a good idea.
thanx for the input guys. like i said ive already moved the 55 into my new place. I have someone whos going to be taking care of the 75 for me. So i wont be moving any of the FMs or the jack in with the 55.


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