Severly Bloated Lumpy Neons, Is This Ntd?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi i have 10 neons in my 3ft 20uk gallon tank.

Ive had them for 2 weeks, 1 died after i stocked them, the day after, i put thias downto stress. The rest have been behaving fine.

Ammonia, Nitrite, = 0 Nitrate = 10 PH = 7.4

I do twice weekly water changes, about 30% a week.

Feed 1 time per day. flakes and pellets for the corys in have.

About half of my neons have abnormal fat bellies. They look bloated and lumpy in their stomachs.

Their coloration and behaviour is normal.

Have they got a secondary infection as a result of NTD???? Im going to starve them for a couple of days to see if they go down. I fed them bloodworm today as something a little different to try and relieve any constipation.

Any advice from you guys???? i would post some pics but my camera phone isnt good enough qualty to get a good close up of the little buggers.
Female tetras are noticeably rounder and deeper in the abdomen then males, if roughly half of your fish are showing this "symptom", then that could be a t least part of the story.

NTD usually manifests itself as pale blotches along the body which gradually swell and deform the spine of the fish bending it out of shape, in extreme ases, giving a corrugated effect. The deformities are caused by Sporozoan parasites growing in the muscle of the fish. This is not what you are describing.

I am not saying you don't have some other internal issue, but fasting them for a few days may give more clues.
Thanks for that, ill be back in a few days to see if they have gone down.


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