Several Questions...


Fish Fanatic
Jul 30, 2006
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Hello, I am not new to the hobby, just new to planted tanks. I have small 2 betta tanks, a nano reef, a cichlid tank, and the tank of this topic:

My 29 gallon freshwater community tank.

First thing's first:

I just upgraded the light on my reef tank, so I have a spare Coralife Aqualight 1 x 65 watt power compact. It currently has a 50/50 (10,000k/actinic) bulb, but that clearly needs to be replaced. So far, the 2 (viable) options I have seen are:
Coralife 65 Watt 6700K Daylight PowerCompact
Coralife 65 Watt 6700K Daylight Colormax PowerCompact

What is Colormax? Is that just some marketing ploy? lol I mean... isn't 6700k.... 6700k?

Next issue:

the 29 gallon tank is 30", and the light is only 24"... When the light is a few inches above the water, the light covers the tank, so that's not an issue, the problem is mounting it.

Using the Coralife mounting legs, I think the longest I could spread them out would be around 26-27", still a few short. I was wondering, could I build a wooden canopy that could hold this light in there, as long as I put air vents and a fan to keep it running cool? I don't see why not, I just figured I'd ask around first...

Then I could rig up a nice moonlight in the canopy as well so I can see my Spotted Rafael when he roams the tank at night.

Also... any thoughts on plants that would work well with this sort of setup? I know the WPG isn't very good, but to give a general ballpark: I'd be at around 2.24 WPG, although so may be planted 18" deep in water, with the light around 4" above the water level, so the light may be as much as 22" away from the base of some of the plants.

As far as water parameters; very typical FW community, everything 'in the middle' of the appropriate ranges.

Thanks in advance! :good:

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