several fish died after water!!


New Member
Jan 21, 2003
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We've had this 55 gallon tank for over 15 years,and it has almost always been remarkably healthy. Tonight we did the same water exchange ritual that we've always done, but this time we ended up with 6 dead fish within the first hour, and there are several other fish that look questionable. We used the same solutions as we always have and used the proper temperature water. What went wrong?
Read a topic elsewhere about a similar problem where the water company had started adding something different to the water supply. This may have been your problem also. Did you test the water before you put it in the tank?

sorry to hear about your loss. :(

you should always test your tap water before doing water changes. never assume anything. just cause it comes from the tap does not mean it is the best for your fish.

welcome to the forum. sorry you had to start on such a bad note though.

Sorry to hear about your loss. :( It's very upsetting when things like that happen for no apparent reason. It does sound like some new chemical was added to the water supply - check with the supplier.

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