Sev With Ich


Fish Addict
Aug 28, 2008
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my severum has ich i posted this in the emergency section but no good advice was given i wondered if anyone in this forum would give me some better advice on treating it he is in my 25 gal on his own
when i had ich in my 1st tank i used myxazin have seen people on here say that kingbritish whitespot treatment is good hope you get it sorted mate, also i believe if you raise the tank temp slightgly it speeds up the ich cycle. hope this helps
it sounds like you have caught it quite early and you have isolated the affected fish which improves chances of the main tank escaping infection, still a big water change would be wise just as a precaution . good luck with it :good:
I have been going through the ich phase as well. Bump up the temp in the tank to get the ich into their swimming stage (stage at which they are vulnerable)...then go at it with an ich treatment. If you have any fish that don't do well with ich medicines, I would suggest using ich attack. I didn't have much faith in it because it didn't seem to be working, then I increased the dosage and now my tank is ich free and I didn't lose any inhabitants. Best of luck!
Here we GO!

1. Do a huge W/C - 50%-60%
2. Add Aquarium Salt
3. Raise Temp to 90f

This will cut the life cycle of the disease short.... Do another huge water change a week later, then another on the 10th day....

This has worked for me and friends numerous times (in different Tanks)

- Caution when adding salt! Check what fish you have and what there reaction to a bit of salt will be!

Hope this helps!
my friend has taken my sev off my hands and says he will treat it (he wanted it when i first got it) so i did him a fav and let him have it so now i have 100 litres to spare

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