

Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2007
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Arkansas, USA
I have a Seussi Cory and he seems a bit honry. He seems to like to chase my Clown Loaches around. The catfish and both loaches are about 1" long each so they're quite young. Is this normal?
He may be lonely and looking for company. Both Cories and Loaches are shoaling fish and will find buddies if they can. Poor little guy is getting confused, most likely. Cories get jiggy when the female releases her hormones, I am told, so I doubt that it is sexual desire stimulating him, unless it is a female. She would lay eggs without a male. Regardless Cories feel insecure without companions. Try to get him a few other Cories--preferably the same species, but most any will do, the closer the markings, coloring, and size the better. Both Cories and loaches do a dance to play swimming up and down the glass, This dance has several varieties from the Sexy Dance to the Hello Let's Play Dance. Cories and Loaches will join together occasionally in the dance if they have no other companions to play with.
Both Cories and Loaches are shoaling fish and will find buddies if they can. Poor little guy is getting confused, most likely.

Yeah I'm learning that now, but the girl at Petsmart said one was plenty. I have no room in the inn for now I just need to hurry and get that 55 I've been eyeballing. Maybe I'll sell a bunch of houses next month.
Both Cories and Loaches are shoaling fish and will find buddies if they can. Poor little guy is getting confused, most likely.

Yeah I'm learning that now, but the girl at Petsmart said one was plenty. I have no room in the inn for now I just need to hurry and get that 55 I've been eyeballing. Maybe I'll sell a bunch of houses next month.

You got a Corydoras seussi at Petsmart? Thats quite a find. I have been looking for them for a while now. But like Jollysue said, it needs some more friends. I dont keep any cories with my loaches, but I could see how they would school together if they were the same size.

EDIT: Do you have any pictures of your cory?
I have a Cory that escaped through the Python water syphon into the community tank. There is a school of loaches and a school of pepper Cories in it. He has tried to play with both but just couldn't fit in, so he stays by himself--a lonely Pulcher variant #3 Cory staring at me. :(

Someday I will take the major effort to catch him in the 100 usg planted. I have stuck a net in for him a couple of times, but he won't have it.

Bryan said he would most likely have some suessi and gossei this spring. I will be getting some to join mine.

It actually is very unlikely that the petstore had suessi. They are considered to be a less available species and I suppose a bit expensive. But I suppose anything is possible.
I don't know if this will work but here:


I guess his nose isn't as pointed as I thought but he sure is close.
I forgot what they told me it was I was just compairing it to that linked pick. I saw that and thought it looked kinda like it, I didn't realize there were so many options. Like I said I went to Petsmart to replace my pleco since a 10 gallon is too small for one and the girl there told me that one of those would do. Seeing as how I was missinformed, what would you sagest I replace this guy with? Will upside down cats work as alge eaters and can they be singled out? If not then what. I'm already over my limit in my tank but I am working on it. I have 11 inches of fish in it but am getting rid of the frog this week. Then hopfully next month I can get a bigger tank to move my Clown Loaches to (again I was told by the lfs to get two and put them in my 10 gallon to get rid of snails).
Nice pictures.

Nice pepper, too.

He will manage until you get your 55 usg. Peppers are a nice Cory. Hardy and easy to care for, Cories in general are a hardy and easy fish to care for. I still have my first ones, while most of my first fish are long gone.

Yeah, I got my first clowns that way too. Now I have five in a 125 usg with 6 frontosas and six synos. I don't know where I will put the tank they will need next time. :rolleyes: :hyper: :blink:

Your pepper sounds healthy and making do. It will be easy to find him some buddies when the time comes.

Bushy Nose Plecos will work on algae, but you can control it by turning the lights off for a few hours and not keeping them on for 8 hours straight.

BTW, if you increase your filtration and do frequent water changes, you can probably keep the fish you have.

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