Setting Up The 29g. Totally Psyched I Have Saltwater In My Living Room

My fish came in today. I floated the bag for 20 min for temp adjustment and them put them in the specimen container. I dripped them for a tad over an hour. Each fish was bagged separately. I was surprised at that. Probably a good idea, but I was surprised.

I added them to the tank about 5:30 or 6pm. I've since seen the shrimp. He's already excavating. I caught a glimpse of one goby and that's it so far. I'm assuming they'll lay low and hide for a bit. Hope they find the shrimp, though :( Concerned about that part. I even netted all 3 at the same time and release all 3 together on the right side of my fish tank. The shrimp is in a rock cranny on the left side.

Here are some pics:




Floating the bags. I took a few layers of plastic bags off too.


The layers of many






What do you all think? Think the gobies will find the shrimp?
They should. Keeping my fingers crossed for ya. Look healthy, not that I expected any less from LA

They should. Keeping my fingers crossed for ya. Look healthy, not that I expected any less from LA
wow! so thats how the send this stuff in the mail!

nice shrimps btw :)
That's why I took pics of the box and packing b/c I figured there were some like me who haven't ordered fish through mail a whole lot. I have 3 times total now.

Well I took a quick peek this morning when I turned the lights on and no sign of the gobies....but this rock has lots of nooks and cranies in it where they could be hiding. I'll sit in front of the tank and stare for awhile when I get off work. I'm determined to try to see the gobies again.

Truck, off hand I don't think it will kill other shrimps....well other pistols will fight. Cleaners should be fine as they stay on the rocks. The pistol stays fairly close to its burrow and doesn't really climb rocks. I'd do more research w/what you have before adding one. The color of the red banded shrimp is why I switched from a tiger pistol to a red banded.

I was told to to give it a week tops and for them to find each other. Thanks for all the nice comments, guys/gals :)
Well a small/giant success today. I put in some thawed brine shrimp and I saw one goby dart out an 1" or so out of hiding spot and eat a few bites. That's the giant success. It's small b/c I haven't seen the other goby yet :( and I haven't seen the shrimp since the day I put them in :( : ( But it has only been 2 days, so I'm still hopeful. Seeing them would easy my worried mind. This goby that came out to eat was hding in the back of the tank so it's possible that the other goby could be there along with the shrimp and it would be hard to tell. It's hard to see also. I'm still very excited to have them, though :)
Glad to hear you have seen one. there probably still a bit shell shocked with how neat your tank is, give them time and they will come to you.
Now getting diatoms...probably b/c I put some life in the tank :rolleyes:




Wierd's bright green


Where the shrimp was last spotted:


Goby hole:



I just fed a tidbit more and both gobies came out :yahoo: :yahoo: First visual confirmation of both gobies at the same time. Both were eating :yahoo:
My cuc is just the 3 astraea's. Making a trip to the lfs today to see what they have. They get their shimpments on Thursdays.

When I was netting the shrimp he did his little clicking sound. It was cool. I don't think it's that bad Truck. I don't think they go actively running around the tank in search of prey. They ususally stay fairly close to the den. We'll see. I'll let you know how mine are after months and months. I'll be the test group :)

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