Setting Up New Tank For Shrimp Only


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hey everyone,

I have just purchased a 35litre nano tank to house shrimp, I am hoping to breed them so want to get everything started correctly.
So I have some questions I would like to ask;

Do I need a heater? if so what is the best tempature to keep shrimp at?
I would like live plants in the tank so what are a good choice of plants that shrimp will like?, Will it be ok to dose TPN+?
Should I cycle the new tank filter before adding shrimp? (I wont be adding any fish to this tank)
What food should I feed the shrimp?, will fish food flakes/pellets be ok?
Will adding an air stone be of any benifit to shrimp?

I will be adding photos once the tank is set up and hopefully if the shrimp breed I can start selling some to other members (fingers crossed)
apparently cherry shrimp love java moss. thats all i know =]
Hey everyone,

I have just purchased a 35litre nano tank to house shrimp, I am hoping to breed them so want to get everything started correctly.
So I have some questions I would like to ask;

Do I need a heater? if so what is the best tempature to keep shrimp at? For Cherry Shrimp you will need a heater. I keep mine around 21 degrees and they breed like rabbits. Infact they make rabbits look like prudes. They will survive in anything from around 18 to 28 degrees though.
I would like live plants in the tank so what are a good choice of plants that shrimp will like?, Will it be ok to dose TPN+? Unsure about this one sorry. I only keep moss and anubis with mine. Moss is a must for shrimplets to hide in though.
Should I cycle the new tank filter before adding shrimp? (I wont be adding any fish to this tank) I would just seed it with media from another filter. They are quite sensitive to ammonia though so make sure it is working correctly.
What food should I feed the shrimp?, will fish food flakes/pellets be ok? I feed mine JBL Nova Prawn, bloodworm and courgette. Apparantly a diet with too much animal protein can hamper the skin shedding process. Something about it not coming off as easily as it should do.
Will adding an air stone be of any benifit to shrimp? They do like oxygenated water, but if you are adding live plants then this could hamper them. I have my spray bar just above the water level and let it flow into the tank which adds plenty of oxygen.

I will be adding photos once the tank is set up and hopefully if the shrimp breed I can start selling some to other members (fingers crossed)

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