Setting Up My Tank As I Type This Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
manchester england
i have a 200 liter tank fully matured with fish and i bought a 90 liter i want to do fish in cycle and i am prepared to do the water changes putting water from my old tank into the new one but i want to no whats the best hardy fish i currently have guppies mollies tetra harliquins cat fish and bristlenose please help
i have a 200 liter tank fully matured with fish and i bought a 90 liter i want to do fish in cycle and i am prepared to do the water changes putting water from my old tank into the new one but i want to no whats the best hardy fish i currently have guppies mollies tetra harliquins cat fish and bristlenose please help

Best thing you can do then is take some filter media out the 200 litre tank and use it in the 90l it will cycle quite fast then. Also when your going to clean out your filter in the 200l tank squeeze it into the water of the 90l tank. You can perhapes cycle a tank with in a week using this method its really effect as long as you dont stock it too quick.
Actually, if you buy a filter pad or whatever the filter for the 90 liter takes and put it in the filter of your other tank (with the old media still in there) for about a week or two, you shouldn't really need to cycle, just setup and fill the 90l up, let the heater get it at the temp you want, then put the filter media in the filter. You should be able to add some fish right away, and then slowly get to the stocking levels you want just like you would on a regular tank, as your filter media has a bacteria colony in it.
Hi newtothis26 :)

I'll give your thread a bump up and move it over to the Your New Freshwater Tanksection. :)

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