I have a couple of questions with setting one up, I'm gonna be growing HC, Lilaeopsis, Pogostemon Helferi, Crypts, Pogostemon stellata, Limnophila Aromatica, Heteranthera Zoserifolia, Aponogeton Crispus Red and some different ferns. The questions I have are as follows:
1. How do you keep stems upright when growing emersed?
2. I'll be keeping the water line level with the top of the pots, I'm guessing growing emersed they get all the CO2 from the air and I'll just have to dose some ferts or do I not need to do that?
3. Keeping the stems moist I take it you just have to keep the humidity high?
4. where do I get some mineral wool lol?
1. How do you keep stems upright when growing emersed?
2. I'll be keeping the water line level with the top of the pots, I'm guessing growing emersed they get all the CO2 from the air and I'll just have to dose some ferts or do I not need to do that?
3. Keeping the stems moist I take it you just have to keep the humidity high?
4. where do I get some mineral wool lol?