Setting Up Cory Fry Tank....?


Aug 17, 2011
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South Australia
I am planning on trying to breed my panda cory's and was wondering, with the fry tank, do i put water from my main tank or fill up with new dechlorinated water?- its a 40L-
Also, what should i cover my filter inlet with?
AAAAND also, should i put anything else in the tank-like plants? i will be putting a thin layer of sand on the bottom :)

Thanks all :good:
Fry are quite delicate, so I'd use water from the main tank to start with and do lots and lots of small changes once they're free swimming.

Lots of people recommend tights/panty hose to cover filter inlets, but I find that too fine and impedes the flow of the filter and clogs too quickly. The best stuff IME is netting/mesh, like the stuff those kid's fishing nets are made (the ones with the bamboo handles they sell for the beach) is the best. Net curtain works well; wash it in plain water first.

Adding lots and lots of plants is a great idea as it provides a good source of microscopic food, and helps a bit with water quality in the first few days/weeks.

Best of luck!
Hi fidjet2 :)

I suggest that you rinse out a filter in the fry tank. The mulm that settles down to the bottom will provide their first foods and also give them a place to dig themselves in to feel secure. In about a week they will be swimming freely above the surface of it and it can gradually be removed during the course of your daily water changes.

What kind of filter will you be using in it? A sponge or box filter is the best kind of filtration for fry since they are not likely to be sucked up or blown around with them.
Thank you both :)
The filter i was thinking about useing is a Aqua one 101F maxi filter
Its for a 55L tank-

I will have a look at some cheap sponge filters in my LFS today, see what i can find :)
But i think it would be cheaper to use this one, but what would work better?
Hi fidjet2 :)

I've never used the Aqua One but don't see any reason why it shouldn't work well. At the beginning, you don't need very much filtration because you will need to do frequent (daily) water changes anyway. This is not to remove ammonia (although it does that too) but to get rid of the growth hormones the fry produce.

About the filter inlet, remember that the fry will spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank. If you place the filter high on the glass, there should be no problem at all.
foam filters are the best as the fry can feed off of them without being sucked in, start the tank off with mature water from your main tank, don't fill to high to start with 6 inches will be plenty, topping up as the fry mature.
The good thing about a sponge filter is that you can use the same air pump both to run an airstone and after the eggs hatch, a filter.

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