***Corydora Crazy***
Well i bought a double ex-display tank for £10 yesterday,i need more room for my growing fry and pygmys...
The total size is 30 inch x 12 x 12,which has a glass divider in the middle.
I intend to move the pygmys into one side and young tri juvi's & possibly pygmy fry into the other side to grow on a bit (i'm hestitate on moving the pygmys due to them spawning,but needs must and the tank has a better footprint & volume for them)
So far i've scrub it,added declorinated water so far up,has i want to add their tank water to top it up,i've put a heater in one side at mo,i need to add more sand & probably buy some more plants...once i've moved all the plants across and the filter,put the heater in the other side,then i can drain the their tank down and transfer some water across,catch the fish,acclimatise them,then hunt out the pygmy fry thats zipping around...
The other side i need to sort out a filter,take out some mature media from my externals on the main tank(hoping it won't spike)i was going to use my aquaball in there,but spindle has broke and it won't superglue,so need to hunt out my other internal
Have i missed anything...
Here's pics of the tank...
After a scrub,backing & one heater added,took pic before sand went in,can't get a full on pic until pygmy tank is out the way...
The total size is 30 inch x 12 x 12,which has a glass divider in the middle.
I intend to move the pygmys into one side and young tri juvi's & possibly pygmy fry into the other side to grow on a bit (i'm hestitate on moving the pygmys due to them spawning,but needs must and the tank has a better footprint & volume for them)
So far i've scrub it,added declorinated water so far up,has i want to add their tank water to top it up,i've put a heater in one side at mo,i need to add more sand & probably buy some more plants...once i've moved all the plants across and the filter,put the heater in the other side,then i can drain the their tank down and transfer some water across,catch the fish,acclimatise them,then hunt out the pygmy fry thats zipping around...
The other side i need to sort out a filter,take out some mature media from my externals on the main tank(hoping it won't spike)i was going to use my aquaball in there,but spindle has broke and it won't superglue,so need to hunt out my other internal
Have i missed anything...
Here's pics of the tank...
After a scrub,backing & one heater added,took pic before sand went in,can't get a full on pic until pygmy tank is out the way...