Setting Up And Choosing Fish For A Beginners Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Edinburgh, UK
I'm planning on getting a 12 or 18 gallon tank sometime in the next few weeks and was wondering about setting it up and choosing some fish to buy.

I've read about fishless cycling here: and think I should be able to do it.
I was also wondering about getting "mature filter". I'd like to get some if possible, but probably wont be able to transport much from the fish shop, how much would I need to make it worth while, or should I just do the fishless cycling with pure tap water?

And then once I've got the tank sorted which sorts of fish would be good to add? From what I've read it's not good to add lots at once, so which sorts would be suitable, and after what time periods should I add them? I've had a look and thought I could get some Tetras and maybe some Danios, Platys, or a small Gourami?

Thanks! :)
well first of all you will need a fresh water test kit. i use the API master test kit cos its cheap and still contins all the main tests.

once you have completed the fishless cycle you should be able to stick them all in within a short space of time as all your benificial bacteri would have been built up during the fishless cycle, but i left a day between additions to let the fish setle in before introducing them to some more friends.

i am also new to the hobby and was reccomended livebeareres such as platties and guppies, and tetras are easy to care for as well.

i would also think about getting a bottom feeder such as a couple of ottos. i got cory cats, i think they look nicer, and are quite good fun to watch.

also, i would reccomend trying to get the 18g over the 12g as all these fish should be kept in groups of a MINIMUM of 3 which would pretty much max out a 12g. tetras are better to watch in a bigger group, i.e. a minimum of 5 i would say

hope this helps - i'm sure someone else will stick up their own recomendations
I'm planning on getting a 12 or 18 gallon tank sometime in the next few weeks and was wondering about setting it up and choosing some fish to buy.

Get the biggest you can afford/house. Larger tanks are more stable, and stability is really key for keeping fish. You can also keep many more types of fish.

I've read about fishless cycling here: and think I should be able to do it.
I was also wondering about getting "mature filter". I'd like to get some if possible, but probably wont be able to transport much from the fish shop, how much would I need to make it worth while, or should I just do the fishless cycling with pure tap water?

You really don't need much media. More is better, but any will do to get the cycle jump started. If you get alot of mature media (i.e. a whole filter's worth from a similarly stocked tank) you could skip cycling altogether. Otherwise, you're tank should cycle in under a week with a mature media and the fishless cycling method.

Just be sure to keep the mature media wet with dechlorinated water or tank water.

And then once I've got the tank sorted which sorts of fish would be good to add? From what I've read it's not good to add lots at once, so which sorts would be suitable, and after what time periods should I add them? I've had a look and thought I could get some Tetras and maybe some Danios, Platys, or a small Gourami?

Thanks! :)

All those should be fine for the tank size you have. Danios may be a bit crowded in a 12 gal though as they're pretty active.

If you do a full fishless cycle, you can pretty much add them all at once. You wouldn't add them all at once because you need to allow the bacteria to grow to a level where they can handle the fish waste. With a fishless cycle, you'll already have a ton of bacteria.

Add about ~75% of max, then the rest in a few weeks.

If you do a cycle with fish then you CANNOT add alot of fish at once.
Thanks for the replies guys, I was also wondering what a good number of fish would be, I was thinking maybe 6 tetras and 2/3 Gouramis, will that be an ok number or do you think there should be more/less for the 18g tank?
There are a couple of things to remember about gouramis:

they are highly territorial so only one male gourami (any gourami) per tank (unless you have a much larger tank

dwarf gouramis are very often infected with a fatal virus that can wreak havoc on your tank, so probably best avoided

the common gourami species small enough for your tank would be honey gouramis, sparkling gouramis, croaking gouramis or maybe thicklipped gouramis
i started off with 4 guppies but i hadnt cycled properly and had the worst time of my life with dead fish so i would just start with a few guppies as there easy and deffinately NOT ottos as sketchy suggests, peppered corys would be ok once u have a few weeks under ur belt :good:
ottos should be ok in a mature tank. i've never kept them, but from what i have read most are imported and require a mature tank (with a fair bit of algae) to survive the first few months. once your past that they should be ok. well, thats what i have read anyway.

ottos are definately a good choice, but dont help with algae really imo. definately not if you only have a few.

would be worth sticking in a few live plants to compete with the algae - i've barely had any (a little brown, but not enough to worry bout)
yh ottos in a mature tank r fine, in fact i would go as far as 2 highly recommend them but not in a new tank as u would only help them in their quest 2 die in the 1st few days/weeks of moving into a new tank, usually for unknown reasons.

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