Setting Up An Old Tank.

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Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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Around 14 years ago, I kept goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. Recently, my family gave the tank back to me. It's still a little crusty from all those years ago, and it still has a few bits and pieces - including a slightly broken hood, a slightly broken power filter, and a heavy wrought iron stand.

Ideally, I'll spiffy up the tank, cycle it, and make it 'production ready', so to speak.

Firstly, the tank obviously has some deposits stuck onto it from its former glory as the home of 3 goldfish. Anyone know a good way to wash that stuff off? This particular junk is white-ish, which I believe is from hardwater deposits. I think I read somewhere that white vinegar is good at removing that sort of thing. Anyone else know of a good way to remove the old mineral deposits? Could it possbly be as simple as dish soap?

Second, the hood and the power filter are both partially broken. The hood is definately old, at least from the early 80s, as even 14 years ago it was a hand-me-down. The front of the hood is latched, and a single latch is broken. It's fitted with a standard light socket, so only compact florescent lights would fit it (or your standard incandescent). The power filter is from the late 80s, I think, because I seem to vaguely recall an older filter breaking and my familiy allowing me to purchase a new one for my tank. The power filter is missing a lid of any kind, so water would easily evaporate out of it.

The 10 gallon tank seems to sport standard dementions, it looks like any old 10 gallon tank I've seen in the pet store. I'm about 90% sure it'd fit any standard bit intended for a 10 gallon tank.

Would it be in my best interest, to simply purchase a brand new hood and filter?

At the moment, I'm waffling over future contents of this aquarium. I tend to favor aquarium plans that include one of my current bettas. I may also add around 4 african dwarf frogs, or white cloud minnows... but I may also leave the little guy in there on his lonesome, as I'm really not that wealthy at the moment >< I'm also oddly fascinated by ghost shrimp (can't imagine why, maybe it's because they're fifty cents each at the LPS? :lol: ). I'm shopping around, anyways. Also, the tank would likely be a mix of live and silk plants, as I have several moss balls and a looong string of anacharis at my disposal atm.

I also debated purchasing a divider for the tank, and putting both my bettas in there, but I'm really extremely attached to having my red betta on my desk next to me.

For those who don't like reading wordy posts:
How can I clean a dirty old tank, and is it best to replace aquarium equipment when it's 14+ years old?
Oh, crud. I forgot to add that there was a little air pump along with it, as well, and a bit of tubing. I think the tubing is totally gone. There's even some pale green gravel from "the old days", and an old lightly chipped underwater house. I can't put the house in, because of the chip, but it looking at it really makes me shake my head and wonder at how much my tastes have changed since I was a kid.
As for cleaning the calcium deposits, vinegar does work very well. As for the filter and hood, it probably makes sense to get a new one. If the tank measures 20 inches long then its a standard 10gal and should therefore fit a standard 10gal hood. Since its been so long since you've had your tank setup dont forget to read up about cycling in the stickies. I didnt and lost some fish because of it :(
Ideally, I'll spiffy up the tank, cycle it, and make it 'production ready', so to speak.

Nope didn't forget about that part. :D

Today, I'm cleaning everything, and scooting things around. Since I just got a raise, a small hour increase, and I'm going mainland this week, I may (with luck -_- ) be able to get all the various bits and pieces in the next week.

But it'll take a little time. You know how raises take a little while to catch up with you. :rolleyes: Especially after you've just gotten through being responsible and paying all the bills.
if you are looking to save some money on the hood, i would suggest buying an incandescent hood and then you can buy compact flourescent bulbs. it depends on where you buy the bulbs (i've got some 20w from the 99 cents store for just over a dollar) for it to be a cheaper set-up. if you don't have access to cheap compact flourescents, you might be better off just getting the whole setup.
just the other week, i decided it would be cheaper for me to buy filters, heaters, etc. on sale ONLINE including shipping then to go out to LFS or petsmart (which didn't have any of the things supposed to be on sale anyway). just another idea, i try to spend as little as possible so i can have more money for tanks in the long run.
oh yeah, fill it with water to be sure it doesn't leak! i don't know exactly how long aquarium sealant lasts
Yeah, I was debating buying some sealent and reinforcing all the seams, before I filled it. Was at the very least going to fill it to be sure it's actually sealed, and possibly start air moving in it or somesuch so as to start the "water aging" (not tank cycling) process before I started putting my betta in it or anything else.

I've decided that Furin is going to have the whole thing to himself, at least for now. I'll waffle over other fish and frogs, later. Since I'm a hobbyiest, and on a budget, I probably can't do much by additional tankmates for a long time coming.

if it does leak, you could always buy a new ten gallon. i think they cost about ten dollars at petsmart, maybe that is cheaper than sealant? i don't know.
One of the problems with tanks that have been sitting unused is that the silicone seals dry out. Try filling it with really warm, not boiling hot water. If you can't keep your hand in it, it's too hot. Sometimes this will help soften the silicone, getting it to reseal.

seeing how you'll probably end up replacing every single part of this tank, you might as well buy a 10 gallon hagen kit with aquaclear 20, fluorescent lighting, nice hod, new tank, water conditionner to last maybe 2 weeks, some food...

I also don't know what kind the filter is, but you'll filter media for it. Is it still available today? lastly, I would not use the air pump with the betta as they don't like, nor do they need, water movement
What you don't understand is that 10 gallon tanks *are not* cheap in my area, and are *never* under $30. I am not in mainland USA, everything comes in via boat or plane, land is at a premium, and the cost of living as well as aquarium keeping is very high. For instance, a 2 gallon bowl here costs $25. We *do not* have any type of "box store" here, at all. Nada, nothing. Only a single pet store, and the prices reflect that. The cost of the new hood and the new power filter are already going to be expensive, but since I'm going mainland this week, I expected to find a few, less expensive hoods and filters that I could pack in my luggage. Packing up a 10G tank and tossing it in our less than reputable airlines (of which there is only one), is not only ill advisable, it's expensive.

Also, I realize that a power filter has too much current for a betta, but there are ways to stopper it and create a less turbulant atmosphere for it -- such as vising the air tubes, and adding sponges to the intake/outake area and etc. I pretty much knew I'd have to buy a new filter, I was debating a biowheel, but I think that the hood might still be okay for service. I have a spare CFL bulb hanging around here, which I purchased a year ago from a wholesale store, that I know would fit the hood.

I expect to set up nothing this week, or the next. On an aggressive schedule, I'll have the parts assembled in the next month, and then I'll start cycling. I still need to purchase a medium, additional plants, and various decor. Furin is being rather well taken care of, with 100% water changes 1-2 times per week, so while he most likely resents being kept in the 1.25 bowl at the moment ($2 at the local second hand store, do you have any idea how long it took me to come up with five of those puppies??? It seemed I enjoyed my biggest flush of 1 gallon bowls shortly after the 4th of July, which is when I imagine many feeder goldfish died.... :S ) he is healthy enough living in one for now.

The tank and the hood are *massively* expensive here, I've seen standard hoods sell upwards of $50, and the LPS rarely has actual kits such as the ones often mentioned on these forums. If I can nudge aside the two most expensive parts, the rest will be relatively easy.

Eeeehn, I didn't mean to b*tch at you all, it's just that, mainland prices are so much more affordable than prices here. Sometimes I turn green with envy when I read about all your $10 kits and $3 fish, I wish I had a startup cost that low. I know it all adds up for everyone, but sometimes I think I'll never get my little tank up and running. :sad:

seeing how you'll probably end up replacing every single part of this tank, you might as well buy a 10 gallon hagen kit with aquaclear 20, fluorescent lighting, nice hod, new tank, water conditionner to last maybe 2 weeks, some food...

Also would like to add, that I already own 2 bettas, and have owned them for a fair amount of time now. Sori, my red veiltail, I've owned since February, and Furin I've had since May. I already have water conditioner, as such, and enough food to last them two fishy lifetimes -- I got a great deal on hikari, only $2.50 per container, was only able to afford 3, but still..., and I also have a big fat container of freeze dried bloodworm, which only Sori will eat (picky as cats, these two).

I'm very proud of my collection of 4 1.25 gallon bowls and my single 2.5 gallon bowl, all of which I found at the second hand store over the length of the summer at only a buck or two apiece. I go daily, and buy them every time I see them. That way I keep some water aging and at room temp constantly. When the time comes, I add the declor, clean the plants, move the plants over, and then the betta over. Furin hates being moved, but Sori has resigned himself to it.
Sorry about that :)

Well then, I guess it would be worth a try to give everything a second chance.

As mentionned, vinegar does wonders to clean tanks. Just give it a good rinse when you're done. For small tanks like these, I usually but them in the bath and rinse them with the shower head for a few minutes!

I wouldn't recommend a bio-wheel filter as i find they create the most water turbulance of all filters. I leave a spone filter running on y 5 gallon betta tank and that's just enough and it barely distrubs the water. Otherise, an aquaclear mini set at minimum setting or just about that would be enough as bettas aren't really messy fish!

I'll jot those names down. I, at the very least, want to purchase a filter while I'm mainland. :X The hood, while just a shade retro with a nice wood panel on it, does work. I have lamps older than that in my bedroom. :laugh:

I've been hovering around these forums since even before I got Sori -- I'm one of those weird, rare sorts that enjoys researching topics to death before committing to a buy. Especially when it comes to living things, like pets. I'm really attached to my two little fish. I recently had to give away one of my bettas (I used to have three), because I just couldn't keep up with the water changes... I don't know how people keep up with having 6+ :huh: I think if I'd already named him, I wouldn't have been able to get rid of him.

I can't be the first and only "hobbyiest" who spent too much money on an attachment they couldn't quite afford, right? :look:
Two tiny points of interest! (Because no one I know IRL will care...)

The sticker on the inside of the tank reads, "February 1994", which means it's 'only' 11 years old, and upon filling, a leak does not immediately make itself known. w007, or something.
When I set up or pick up a used tank which I am not sure of it's seal. I'll take it in the back to fill and let it sit after I mark off the water line for a few days. If there isn't a loss I'll use a single edge razor to scrape off the Calcium build-up (only if the tank is "glass"). The water will sort of soften up the gunk and the green pot scrubber pad (without detergent) is also handy for the crusty mess. After it is cleaned I'll let it air dry for a day or two then bead a bit of silicone on yop of the old seal (just to be safe).

As for old Air pumps I'll unscrew and check out the diaphrams (they usually crack and crap out. If they have spare parts for their repair great if not you can get by, by light coating of silicone on the cracks. As for the air lines I'll just replace them as well as the air stones. If you need to replace the glass top I'd just have a glass shop cut it for you and in the middle run a bead of silicone (for the hindge).

If you're going to raise Bettas (in large mass) I'd get 5 gallon buckets and raise them in there. I know it's low tech but it has a handle.

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