Setting Up A Vertical Fish Tank - Recommended?


New Member
Oct 16, 2005
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I have a space of my house in which I would like to setup a vertcial stand and fish tank, about 30 gallons.

I am intersed in having 1 fish or 1 crustacean. Something exotic and such...

Care to point me in the right direction?

I have run many 55 gallons over the years, but dont have room for one in the new house.

Thanks much
Marine tanks are usually shallow, but if you have had expirience, you should be able to do it. As for fish, basically anything thats not too territorial should work.
Remember..the deeper the tank, the higher the chance that the bottom will run a lower oxygen saturation. You may run the risk of problems with cyanobacteria or algae blooms, not to mention needing more powerful lighting if you plan to keep corals. SH

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