Always room for one more tank...
Can anyone either talk me through or point me in the direction of info about how to setup a sump? I'm looking to buy an ex LFS tank with holes predrilled for it, and if I'm successful I'll be making the stand myself so no issues there. Question is how I go about setting it up. I've got an empty 65L tank to use as sump, and the main tank is 190L - would that be big enough?
Apart from a couple of bags of eheim bioballs, I've not got any filtration so what would I need and how much would it be likely to cost me for the necessary contents and a pump to circulate the water?
Apart from a couple of bags of eheim bioballs, I've not got any filtration so what would I need and how much would it be likely to cost me for the necessary contents and a pump to circulate the water?