Setting Up A Plec Fry Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2006
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in the process of cloning a tank to use for fry , just want to know which substrate to use and good items to put in for young bristlenose fry (currently still at the egg stage in their original tank) although away from the father as he seemed to abandon the eggs :( .

btw the new tank will be a 60l juwel with all original fittings. its probably not that good for plecs i know but its all i have at the moment so comments on how to improve wont be minded.
In a breeding setup bare bottom would be best. This is the easiest to keep clean, plecs are messy fish.

A couple caves & pieces of driftwoos will keep them happy, as will a little bit dimmer light.
In a breeding setup bare bottom would be best. This is the easiest to keep clean, plecs are messy fish.

A couple caves & pieces of driftwoos will keep them happy, as will a little bit dimmer light.

I second that. I have gravel in my BN fry tank and it gets really dirty really quickly. I have to vacuum at least twice a week or it is really bad. I have a nice piece of drift wood with lots of hidy holes. When I lift it up to clean, it rains baby plecs :lol: .


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