Setting Up A New 75gal Tank


New Member
Mar 17, 2007
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Hi Everyone

My basement has finally been renovated and i can finally put in a larger tank so i chose a 75Gal (used and non drilled only 75 bucks). That and my parents would have killed me if i got the 90 gallon (would have been sweet, drilled and for only 85), but the stand and lighting would have hurt my pocket more.

Currently I have a 30 gallon FOWLR and sadly only the dragon goby remains. It's been set up for a year. Suffered only two epedemics of Ich when i was new and before the quarantining.

Okay so i'll get back to subject.

I have a 75 Gallon Tank
A perfecto light and lid that came with the tank but i probable won't use it.

This weekend i'm spray painting the back black just like the former owner did.
and reinforcing or also known as resealing the tank since it's used and it never hurts.

I'll be moving my live rock from the 30 gallon to the 75 it's about 45pds worth of live rock.
I'll most likely buy more live rock as i want to keep the rule of 1-2pds per gallon
I'll then be using the 30 gallon as a sump (currently i'm using a wetdry with no media just
live rock frags for the 30 gallon as a sump).

Some questions that I have so far are.
I believe it's a rule of thumb to have water movement of 10-20 times the water volume of the tank. Meaning 75*10gph = a 750gph worth of flow. Now does this have to be achieved through one power head with lets say a rating of 800gph or can i put up two power heads positioned at opposite ends each with a rating of 400gph?

More particularly i was aiming at getting two Hydor Koralia 2 which says it's rated at 600gph, or Hydor Koralia 1 rated at 400gph if it's too much flow and placing them on opposite ends. heres the link of the powerhead i'm talking about

After that question is answered i am crossed with how to set up the tanks sandbed. In the 30 i use a regular sand bed 2-3 inches. But that was because it's just so little space to swim after the liverock and the sand, so now that theres more room i can set up a deep sand bed of 4-5inches. Or I can go back to no sand which i had initially and had my nitrates go through the roof.

I was disuaded from the deep sandbed because it's not for those new to the hobby and i'm definitely one of them. Another recommendation was to have a deep sandbed in the sump and a 2-3 sandbed in the display. This way I can enjoy the benefits of both worlds meaning the creation of anaerobic areas for the deep sand bed and just a pretty display in the display tank.

I'll gladly accept any recommendations, and advice. Thank you all in advance.
Well, if you're going Fish Only, the 10x turnover rule is OK to use. If you ever plan on having corals though, aim for at LEAST 20x turnover, if not more like 30x. You should have at least 2 powerheads in case one fails the tank can still limp along.

As for the sandbed, my reccomendation would be 1-2" sand bed with a refugium in your sump for nitrates, and if that's still not enough, setup a "remote deep sand bed (RDSB)"

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