Setting Up A Girls Tank


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
I'm going to be adopting some girls, and have some questions about setting up the tank. I have a 10 gallon tank, and will be getting 5 girls. I know the guys have some trouble with filters, Can the girls handle the filter going full blast? or does it need to have the flow reduced? I am planing a gravel substrate, with several fake plants, and one castle for them to hide in. I will begin a fishless cycle tonight, as both my cycled tanks recently had an outbreak of gill flukes from sharing an algae scraper.

Is there anything else i need to to prepare for? I've got plenty of food on hand, the tank has a heater, kept around 76-78 degreese
The girls also don't like the current. I took a water bottle, cut off the ends, snipped one side and cupped it around the outflow of the really stems the flow. With girls, just remember that they can be fiesty like guys. Just be prepared to pull one if it's really dominant. I have a sorority tank and I haven't had to pull anyone for being mean. I had a few small nips in the beginning, but now they all hang out together like a giant herd of piglets! :lol:
My five females are in a filtered 10 gallon tank--they don't seem to mind the current at all. Each fish is different--that's why we love 'em! :wub:
I have 7 girls in my 10g sorority, it was started with 5 of Synirr's, then I got 2 more females when I joined the IBC. I figured I would try them together and do the wait and see. It has been running successfully for almost a year now and I have never had any problems with aggression. They don't seem to mind the current, in fact I have 1 who likes to jump up where the filter pours back in and ride the waves!
Crazy fish! :lol: I was apprehensive about trying the sorority tank but it is one of my favorites, it's so awesome to see them playing and interacting. I just love my lil' girlies :wub:
^I love my girls too. :wub: Never had and major issues within the group either and mine enjoy the current in the tank. But it is a much bigger tank and that can make a difference. You'll just have to see what your girls prefer really.
Yea! i'm so excited! I honestly can't wait to get my girlies now. :hyper: :fun:
The girls also don't like the current. I took a water bottle, cut off the ends, snipped one side and cupped it around the outflow of the really stems the flow. With girls, just remember that they can be fiesty like guys. Just be prepared to pull one if it's really dominant. I have a sorority tank and I haven't had to pull anyone for being mean. I had a few small nips in the beginning, but now they all hang out together like a giant herd of piglets! :lol:

How long did it take for them to get used to eachother? One of mine has been pretty bossy; it is the just the first day of them being together though.
about a week or two. They had small nips and a bit of semi-flaring. But after two weeks, not a peep from any of them. If there's nips, I think someone ate the other's bloodworm. They're so well behaved! :wub:
I thought so. She said she was driving up today?? What happened?

They are gorgeous little ladies. :wub:

Splash stuff, too cute. it would make a good fishy handle. :rolleyes:

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