Setting Up A Breeding Tank?


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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:/ So.. I want to try and breed my schwartzi cories.. I have an empty 5 gallon. what would get them to breed in it? How should I transfer them over to it?

I am currently thinking a small layer of sand at the bottem.. no filter just a simple airstone.. i will place water from main tank into it, capture a number of them place them in the tank. then fill up the rest of the tank with new cooler water.

My question is.. will the breed like that? how long should the be in the 5 gallon if they donlt breed the first day? how do i add them back to my main tank?

and I add 1 female and 2 males right?
well i will tell you this... you haven't picked the easiest cory to spawn. schwartzi has rarely been spawned in the aquarium.

but in general a 5 gallon will work if you are just spawning a pair or trio of smaller corydoras. I would say a ten gallon tank would be better, but in a pinch they may spawn in there. i would add more then just an airstone to the tank. Possible a sponge filter as you most likely would some sort fo filtration within the tank itself as you would hate an amonia spike or something else to happen and kill your fish.

and if you think it is as easy as throwing them in the tank and getting them to spawn right away you are sadly mistaken. some of my corys it has taken more then days to get them to spawn... more like years. it took my green lasers almost 3 years to produce their first spawn.

if you haven't spawned a cory eyt, i would suggest you try something a little easier to spawn.. such as aeneus, paleatus, panda, pygmaeus or even habrosus. all those corys easily spawn within the aquarium with little effort, unlike the shwartzi.
I see.. so they are hard to spawn.. that would explain why the peppers spawn ever day and these guys never do.. if it is a pain then never mind haha.
mm.. well what is the key t getting them to breed? they just don't like to or are you not hitting a specific variable that triggers breeding?
simple answer.. nobody knows why they are so hard to spawn in the aquarium. i have not spawned them so i wouldn't know what the trigger is for them.

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