Setting up a betta tank


New Member
May 1, 2004
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I was going to go out and purchase a 2.5 or 5 G tank and partition it 2 or 3 ways respectivly.

Is lighting nessecary with bettas?

Could I use a 25W heater in the 2.5 gallon tank?

What would be a better filter - sponge or hang on type?
I'm not sure about a heater, but here is what a 2.5 gallon looks like with a 12-inch flourescent light and a palm filter and no gravel for easy cleaning. I use this setup for a few white clouds. You can have a betta and maybe a couple of small cories with this setup instead of white clouds. Hope this helps. :)


Betta's like it warmer (78-80 F). I have 25W in my 5 gallon and it keeps it plenty warm.
Hang on filters all the way.
lights are nice but you don't actually need it unless you're gonna have real plants. But you should go with real so yer betta doesn't rip his fins.
I say yes to a filter... they help a lot :nod: !
No to the heater. The tank is small enough that it will stay about room temperature. My 6-gallon with a betta has no heater and is able to stay room temperature. If the heater gets stuck (like they're known to do), you don't really have a whole lotta time to save him.
Light is a nice touch to a tank, however, it's not needed to live... totaly personal preference although I do think a tank looks better with a light!

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