Setting Up A 12 Gallon Fowlr


New Member
May 1, 2006
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Okay. My LFS concentrates mostly on saltwater fish and it realy enticed me! So I plan to set up a FOWLR tank. I really wish I could get a bigger tank, but I have no room at all. I'm actually replacing my tv with the tank. So I'm just wondering what equipment i would need. This is my list so far.

12 Gallon tank
2x 18 watt Lights
15lbs of live rock
Aquaclear filter (for 30 Gallon)
Saltwater mix

I was wondering if a protein skimmer was absolutely necessary and is that all the stuff I would need? Thanks for the help!
For that sized tank a FOWLR isn't a good option as your posible inhabitants would be limited and the most you would be able to have is possibly three fish. If this is the tank size that fits your situation I would look into building a nano reef. For FOWLR though you would not need so much light. A simple flourescent fixture with a full spectrum bulb is all you need. Also you will need to add a heater to your list.

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