Setting Up 30l Tank, What Can I Keep In It?`


May 14, 2008
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Gloucester, UK
Well Ive finally cracked and am setting up my aquastart320 for my daughter, but as funds are tight Im going to stick to coldwater so I havent got to buy a heater!
What fish can I keep in it? Ive tried googling it but people are suggesting guppies and tetra which Im not sure about....
Any ideas guys?

(btw Its got argos play sand with a few ornaments and live plants)
i have a cold water tank set up with a pair of long fin danio's witch look stunning in cold water and even more when they start spawning, however with my tank never been able to raise young as it at room temp so the end up dead. you can have guppys witch do survive in cold water but all i would say is if going with guppys float the bag (with fish in) in the water for about 30/40 mins.

although make sure you tank is mature as they are tropical and find it hard in cold water
For coldwater pretty much nothing apart from around 6 white cloud mountain minnows seeing as it's only about 6 gallons. Do't keep tropical fish like guppies, it would be detrimental to their health as they prefer warmer waters. If you bought a small heater you could have 4 guppies, Or a betta perhaps. Heaters really don't cost that much.
For coldwater pretty much nothing apart from around 6 white cloud mountain minnows seeing as it's only about 6 gallons. Do't keep tropical fish like guppies, it would be detrimental to their health as they prefer warmer waters. If you bought a small heater you could have 4 guppies, Or a betta perhaps. Heaters really don't cost that much.

That's not so true. Guppies can do well at room temp with no problems. I have keep lots of guppies (mainly feeders and wild) without heater and they do fine & keep making lots of fry. Lots of fish suited for your coldwater 6gal tank.

Japanese ricefish
White cloud mountain minnows
Red rosy minnows
Wild type guppies
Zebra danios (longfinned)
Bluefin killifish
It works if you live in a warm country yes. In the UK , espescially over winter, I doubt it would.
My house is kept at a constant 21-24 deg cuz of having two babies so its not cold, but obv there will be occasions room temp drops to 18ish. If that makes a difference!
id try white clouds you could have a few of them and there nice to look at 2
i personally would not keep tropicals in a coldwater
scot :good:
I think white clouds are really pretty. Shame the tank isn't bigger, you could have had a gudgeon or two.
in that tank you have little chice other than minnows and z danios. you can get heaters
for next to nothing.

if you bought a heater your choices would multiply a millionfold,

you could have.

corys (depending on species)
honey gourami
most small danios and tetras
chain loaches
many more

obviously not altogether, but if you decide to go tropical, post in the tropical forum. you will get more response :)

p:s i have a spare heater you can have for not much money. pm me :)
Thanks guys.
Im not a stranger to tropical, Ive had like a zillion other tanks, but things always seem to go wrong at the same time! In the last few weeks Ive cracked by brackish tank, blown up two heaters (well actually I blame my other half for leaving them switched on during water changes grrr), had to restock on dechlorinator food and salt, not to mention live feed for my puffers. Thats beore the huge water/electric bills that came in!
So though heaters are cheap, its adding to the pile, and I think my daughter would prefer breakfast to a heater lol!

Anyway had to get that off my chest...went for a few danios and a pair of flags in the end.

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