Setting A New Tank Up


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Im thinking of setting up what will be a moderately sized tank compared to what I have now, as Im doing some changes and I hoping to keep some tanks in the 38g, put the 38g inhabitants into the 18g and then get a new, slightly larger tank for which to keep my very favourite of fish, Trachycorystes trachycorystes. Its an armoured catfish, and should reach about 12" or a little more. Its night active, so requires lots of daytime coverage. I plan on using a good ammount of bogwood for it, and so other tank inhabitants with have to be ok with this. So what Im thinking is a 3x2x2 or maybe a little wider (unfortunately cnt go any longer due to where it will be going) but I could maybe go to 28" wide or so, so the floorspace will be pretty big. If I go with a 3x2x2 I will have 90 US gallons, 75 UK gallons, so its quite a volume. Because the trachy will be the main bottom dweller, I was thinking of keeping a couple of other species which require a tank of arround 75 US g (even though mine a larger volume) but the tanks diamensions are differant. So, do you think it would be possible to keep any of the following: siamese tigerfish (slow growing remember, so will be arround 8" or less for a long time if I get them as 4" juves), needlefish (I would need to keep atleast a trio, would that be possible?) and I was aldo thinking armoured bichirs and those geophagus cichlids. Theres also things like lima shovelnoses and the like. I was also thinking white line pims, or pim pictus, allthough they may be a little small and edible...
Anyway if anyone has any ideas on other stuff I could go with, or problems etc then please let me know as it would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks alot, Mike
I thought Trachys were naked?
Anyway, a great fish, hope you have enough for a pair! Where are you getting it from?
It should like bogwood, so a huge piece that it can live in permenantly should do it. Geos and needlefish will make good tankmates for it. A 3x2x2 foot should be fine for it and others. You could also try severums, eels, bigger rainbows like reds, basically anything peaceful and over 6". Look for a few shoaling fish as well as something that will come out and make its presence known, like a severum or chocolate cichlid.
Good luck!!
Cheers mate, ive been wanting one for a good while now, I know tropical imports had one, and I dont see why they could get another in...
I think that if I had the correct filteration, I could probably have the trachy, a shoal of maybe 5 silver dollars and then probably 3 needles, but there are quite a few big fish in there...Otherwise, I could have a dat for the middle kinda range, or maybe a lima shovelnose to fill that space...
Cane, if your reading this, how was you needlefish, cos I know you had one for a while. What was it like feeding and was it ok being the only one of its species?

Cheers, Mike
I know Wharf had one in a while back, and it was there for over a year (but that was a year ago) and I fell in love with it, such a beauty. Silver dollars or red hooks would work perfectly. A Lima may get in the way when the Trachy gets moving and having two bottom dwelling 12" fish may be pushing it. Needlefish wont do so well singally from the best of my knowledge, but Cane will know better. Needles dont move that much though.
How much are you paying for it? How big is it too?
I havent inquired about one yet, not from tropical impots yet anyway...According to tropical fish finder wildwoods have one/some so ill check their site and/or give them a ring and see how much its going for. If its small it can go into my 38 for a while (without the other tankmates) until the 3 footers done.
From what people say, and what ive read/heard limas dont actually spend much time on the bottom, more of a mid dwelling species, but because of that theyd be pretty active so in that size tank it probably wouldnt be fair...
ime needle fish are difficult feeders and will only accept river shrimp or small live fish
although they stay reasonably small they need a lot of room because of their skittish nature and delicate jaw
tbh i would scratch them off the list mate :good:
all the other fish sound well suited tho :good:
Ok, so what would you say would suit better for the mid layers or for the top? I cant really think of anything else could go up there, but Im probably missing one which is really obvious...
What stocking would you suggest from the fish ive said about, and any you think of?

Cheers, Mike
6 Silver dollars (or any good looking sp. you can find)
The Trachy
1 Chocolate cichlid

And just leave it at that.
Its a nice idea, but id like a little more veriety if it would be possible, if not then ill have to settle for something less but if I can avoid it then id like a couple of spcies.
There are a couple stockings Im thinking of:
No 1: 1 trachy, 5 silver dollars, 3 pim pictus, 1 firemouth
No 2: 1 trachy, 1 siamese tiger, 1 jupari or 1 geophagus or 1 senegal bichir
No 3: 1 trachy, 5 SDs, 1 siamese tiger

Or a mix of those, something along those kinda lines anyway. I would really like a top dweller though...Any ideas?
EDIT: Just thought, Chalceus Macrolepidotus, pink tailed chalceus, but then theyd be abit too big for my tank, cos theyre apparently very skittish...Never mind. I also thought about pikes from the spcies Crenicichla...They might be a possiability if I can find them
I have no idea about a top dweller, other than pike characins. Any of the Boulengerella sp. should ok with the other fish.
You could have the Trachy, a pike characin and a shoal of silver dollars. A pike cichlid instead of the characin would also be ok, anyting up to 30cm.
How much is the Trachy going to cost you anyway?
Yeah, I can probably get Boulengerella maculata, and Boulengerella lateristriga aswell. I prefer some of the twinspot pike cichlids though, some of the red verietys are really nice I think.
I rang wildwoods, and they havent got any trachys in at the moment, and ive emailed tropical imports about if they have/can get any in. They had a 12" one a while back for £75 so if I got a younger one, it shouldnt be as much, but I can go to about £100 for one I guess, depending on the size.

Cool, can't wait for you to get it. Wharf had one in for about £150! Was about 1ft long and a stunning.
As a personal preference, I like B. lateristriga, the colours are a bit more regal.
As for pikes, I like Crenicichla albopunctata at 25cm, the White spotted pike cichlid; C. geayi at 20cm, the half-barred pike cichlid; C. johanna at 30cm, but may be too big; C. sexatilis at 25cm, White spotted pike cichlid; and finally, C. vittata at 30cm. Most of these you wont really find in shops, but the ones you are looking to shop in shouldbe able to get one in for you.
I know Im really excited!
Depending on the size, I should be able to get the trachy after I get back from hols on like the 15th july (my bday too yay) and he/she can go in the 38g, if he/she is under about 7", but if the only ones I can get are bigger they will have to wait until I get the bigger tank (which shouldnt take too long anyway, plus theres someone on here who has a 3x2x2 which would make it cheaper than new).
Yeah, there are quite a few pike species.
Do you know if boulengerellas do best in groups of 3 or whatever, or on their own? (or atleast are they ok one their own?)

Cheers, Mike
From my limited knowledge of them (confined toatally to books im afraid lol), they do ok kept in any number. One will be quite happy on its own, but a pair would look better. Add some tall thin plants to the tank for a better effect when they hide in them.
Feeding them could be interesting, but they should eat crickets, live fish, live bloodworms and other live foods. Make sure you see it feeding as some decide not to. When they get acclimatised, they should eat pieces of frozen prawn and bloodworms.
They are very peaceful as well, but will eat small fish. Obviously.
Ok cool, if I can find any then I may consider them. Cheers

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