Set Up For A Marine Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
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Hi was thinking of setting up a marine tank but seeing as I've only ever kept tropical f.w fish and some Goldies when I was a kid I have no idea how to go about this.

Obviously I'll do some further research but I was hoping you informed individuals would be able to get me started? :D

I just love the amazing colours available with marine fish they're so cool! :wub:

Also whats the average price range on buying those fish?
Im new to the whole fishie thing, and thought I would jump right into marine. I found and still check in once and a while.
Tons of great info and answers quick.
Seeing as I have 0 experience with fish keeping and because of the expense I decided to take the next couple years and go tropical. This way I can get use to things.

Your question on cost of fish from what Ive seen your at least about $10 going all the way up to hundreds for some. The other thing with Salt Water is you can pay a lot for rock, corals, anenomies, etc
A marine set up seems a lot more expensive. I was originally tempted to go for a marine set up to start with however i learnt that it will cost a fair bit more to maintain as well as buying the fish- I'm a student you see, so after hearing that it didnt seem like such a good option! But im glad ive chosen tropical now- enjoyed every minute of keeping my fish :D
it all depends on what route you want to go

if you want to do corals and what not its going to cost you a good amount of money just on lighting

but if you want to go with just live rock and fish then it shouldnt be too bad

im in the process of setting up a 32G euro with just live rock and fish and so far i've put about 300 dollars into it, mind you i still need about 30 more pounds of live rock (1lb per gallon) and at 8.88 a pound it's going to get costly
Agreed with Bones....there is no way to get around certain costs with marine tanks. One way, as he mentioned, is to stay with fish only and not add corals until you are financially ready. Marine fish, if you chose wisely, ie, buy basic , hardy fish that are COMPATIBLE with each, ie, don't harass each other and cause you to constantly replace, can be found to be as cheap as FW.

To the above posters, I highly recommend 2 books:

Paletta's Marine Setup Book and Kurtz's Starting a MiniReef...both on SH

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